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Electric Mobility Devices

Electric Mobility Devices (EMDs) are banned on roads

Using EMDs (for example: electric scooters, electric unicycles, electric hoverboards,  electric skateboards, electric bicycles, etc.) on carriageways, footpaths or cycle tracks may commit an offence under the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374), its subsidiary legislation and other relevant legislation.

Electric Mobility Devices (EMDs) are banned on roads

Beware on electrical safety of EMDs

The quality of batteries in EMDs varies. The batteries may leak or overheat, particularly during charging, which may cause fire.

The Transport Department is studying the regulatory arrangement for the use of EMDs in Hong Kong and associated certification arrangement to ensure their compliance with relevant technical and safety standards. It is suggested that only certified (labelled) EMDs would be allowed on designated cycling tracks in the future.

Currently, any use of EMDs may be illegal. Upon completion of the legislative process in future, EMDs certified at the time of production could be used legally in Hong Kong.



Video for EMD and cycling safety
View video for EMDs and cycling safety
video from Hong Kong Police Force
View video from Hong Kong Police Force


Relevant Publications

Road Safety Bulletin No. 51 Leaflet on EMDs ban Leaftlet on EMDs Ban (Urdu)
Road Safety Bulletin Leaflet on EMDs ban Leaftlet on EMDs Ban (Urdu)


Useful Link

Legislative Council Panel on Transport Paper on "Use of EMDs in Hong Kong"

Legislative Council Panel on Transport Paper on "Review on the use of EMDs in Hong Kong"

Road Safety Council

Mr. Safegg (Road Safety Council facebook page)

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