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Transport Department

Smooth traffic on first school day

     Traffic conditions were mostly smooth and public transport services were generally adequate to meet the demand in the morning of the first school day today (September 1).

     Transport Department activated the Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre (ETCC) from 6.30am today to monitor the traffic situation and public transport services. About 80 staff were deployed by the department to man the centre or to monitor the traffic and transport situation on site at various public transport interchanges and school areas. They provided updated information to the centre for arranging public transport service enhancement when necessary.

     A department spokesman said that as in previous years, students were reminded to get familiar with the public transport routes to school as quickly as possible during the first few days of the new school term so that the most suitable route and traffic pattern could be determined.

     The department will continue to monitor closely the traffic situations and public transport services in the next few days when more schools begin the new school term. Close liaisons between with major public transport operators and relevant government departments will also be maintained.

     The spokesman reminded students to allow more time for travel. Those living on the outlying islands or attending schools on the outlying islands are advised to check well in advance the ferry schedules and the vessel types intended to be used on their ferry trips. Enquiries can be made by calling 2804 2600 or 1823.

     In view of the possible congestion in school areas in the coming days, general motorists should avoid these areas as far as possible.

     Major public transport operators provide hotlines and websites for answer public enquiries.

Operator              Hotline          Website
--------              -------          -------

New World First Bus   2136 8888

CityBus               2873 0818

Kowloon Motor Bus     2745 4466
/Long Win Bus

New Lantao Bus        2984 9848

New World First Ferry 2131 8181

Hong Kong             2815 6063
and Kowloon Ferry

Ends/Thursday, September 1, 2005
Issued at HKT 12:23

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