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Transport Department

Transport Department's response to report of task force

In response to media enquiries, a Transport Department spokesman said that after its own review the department had already initiated some improvement measures that were along similar lines to those recommended by the Task Force on Emergency Transport Co-ordination.

"For example, the department has discussed with Police improvements in co-ordination during incidents. In principle, it is agreed between the two departments that, in case of serious incidents, Police will send a representative to the Transport Department's Emergency Transport Coordination Centre (ETCC) for joint development of any traffic diversion plan and decisions on emergency traffic arrangements," the spokesman said.

"The Transport Department has also started discussions with the bus companies on measures to improve communication with bus passengers, and has already conducted a review on the existing CCTV coverage and is planning to install more CCTVs at some strategic locations that are now not covered.

"Meanwhile, more information and guidance have been provided to motorists on the alternative routes when emergency road closure has occurred."

The Transport Department has also identified some short-term measures that can be implemented shortly, the spokesman said.

These include conducting workshops with relevant departments on how to strengthen communication during emergency incidents; developing more contingency plans for traffic emergencies and reviewing internal circulars on Emergency Transport Arrangements.

"For long-term measures such as those related to a Geographical Information System (GIS), we will need a detailed study first before we could have an idea of whether the measure could be implemented and the resource implications," the spokesman said.

Ends/Tuesday, July 5, 2005

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