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Transport Department

Traffic arrangement at Causeway Bay implemented tomorrow

     The Transport Department (TD) today (June 10) reminded people that traffic arrangements to facilitate the reconstruction of Causeway Bay Flyover would be implemented from 6am tomorrow (June 11).

     For necessary preparation of the temporary traffic management measures on Victoria Park Road eastbound, the following temporary arrangements will be implemented from 1am to 6am tomorrow as follows:

Road/Lane Closure

* The first exit road at the left leading from Cross Harbour Tunnel to Victoria Park Road;

* Hung Hing Road flyover;

* The fast lane of Gloucester Road eastbound between tunnel approach rest garden and the down ramp of Hung Hing Road flyover;

* The three leftmost traffic lanes of Victoria Park Road eastbound between the down ramp of Canal Road flyover and Causeway Bay Promenade will be closed in phases, except for the access to Causeway Bay Flyover; and

* The first leftmost traffic lane of Victoria Park Road between the up ramp of Causeway Bay Flyover and Island Eastern Corridor (IEC).  

     Motorists should also pay heed to the subsequent traffic diversion from Cross Harbour Tunnel heading to Causeway Bay flyover; and from Wan Chai North heading to Causeway Bay and/or Tai Hang.

     From 1am to 6am, Cross Harbour Bus route nos. N170 and N171 on journeys to Southern District will be diverted to operate via the second exit road at the left after leaving Cross Harbour Tunnel.  

     The bus stop for Cross Harbour Bus route nos. N102 and N118 on Victoria Park Road eastbound outside Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter will be temporarily suspended.  

     Meanwhile, the following arrangements will be implemented from 12.01am to 6am on June 12 (Sunday):

Road/Lane Closure

* The second exit road at the left leading from Cross Harbour Tunnel to Victoria Park Road;

* The three rightmost traffic lanes of Victoria Park Road between the down ramp of Canal Road flyover and Causeway Bay Promenade, except for access to Causeway Bay Flyover;

* The fast lane of Victoria Park Road between Causeway Bay Promenade and Island Eastern Corridor;

* The slow lane of the down ramp of Canal Road flyover leading to Victoria Park Road eastbound; and

* The slow lane of Gloucester Road eastbound between tunnel approach rest garden and the down ramp of Hung Hing Road flyover.

     From 12.01am to 6am on June 12, motorists from Cross Harbour Tunnel heading to Causeway Bay Flyover will be diverted to the first exit road at the left.  

    Cross Harbour Bus route nos. N170 and N171 on journeys to Eastern District will be diverted to operate via the first exit road at the left after leaving Cross Harbour Tunnel.

     Details of the above arrangements, together with the arrangements to be implemented from 6am, June 11 for about 24 months, have been uploaded onto TD's website

    A series of publicity items are in place to enhance public awareness of the traffic and transport arrangements.  These items include announcement through the press and radio; radio broadcast inside the Cross Harbour Tunnel; distribution of information leaflets; and erection of count-down signs to the implementation date and banner. For enquiries, please dial 1823 or 2804 2600.

    Motorists are advised to pay attention to the broadcast about the latest traffic situations, and follow the instructions by Police officers on site. Appropriate traffic aids will be erected to guide motorists and notices will be displayed by bus companies to advise passengers of the changes.

Ends/Friday, June 10, 2005

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