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Transport Department

TD joins hands with PLB trade to promote road safety

     About 20 public light bus (PLB) associations/operators representing over 2 300 drivers today (May 21) showed their support to the PLB Safety Action Day jointly organised by the Transport Department and the Environmental Light Bus Alliance.

    The activity aims at cultivating a considerable and responsible driving culture, as well as promoting the road safety awareness of PLB drivers.  

    Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman, said the department was pleased to work with the PLB trade to organise the Action Day.  

    "I am glad that the PLB trade has taken the initiative to organise this Safety Action Day.  The trade has also decided to install speed display devices and to develop a safety charter for PLB drivers.  I want to thank all involved for their commitments to promoting road safety for PLBs," Mr Footman said.

    "On the Government side, Transport Department and the Hong Kong Police Force will continue to work through various measures on legislation, enforcement, publicity and education to foster good driving behaviour.  In particular, we look forward to working with the PLB trade to arrange more road safety education and publicity programmes for PLB drivers."

    "In this way, we can get closer to our road safety vision of 'Zero accidents on the road, Hong Kong's goal'", Mr Footman said.

    Today's event offered game booths and stage performances by popular artistes.  Popular artiste Miss Miriam Yeung was appointed as the PLB Safety Ambassador to make appeals to the drivers and the participating public on safe driving.

    During the ceremony, the participating PLB associations/operators were presented with safety charters for drivers to commend their participation.  Over 2 300 PLB drivers have signed the charter to show their commitment to enhance road safety since the voluntary scheme commenced in end March, and more drivers are expected to join.  

    Also officiating at today's ceremony were Legislative Councillor Ms Miriam Lau; Chairperson of Road Safety Publicity Strategies Working Group Ms Junia Ho; and Chairman of the Yau Tsim Mong District Council Mr Chan Man-yu.

Ends/Saturday, May 21, 2005

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