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Transport Department

Applications for cross-boundary coach services invited

     The Transport Department invites applications for the quota for operation of cross-boundary coach services between Hong Kong (HK) and the Mainland through the Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Boundary Control Points.

    The quota for Lok Ma Chau Control Point is for provision of cross-boundary coach services between destinations in the Mainland and HK Disneyland Resort.

    "The transport services under application should be operated by joint ventures of Hong Kong and the Mainland," a spokesman of the department said today (May 12).

    "Applications should be made by completing the application form, which may be downloaded from the website of the Transport Department (, obtained in person or by calling 2399 2162. Applications may be lodged in person or by post. The date on the postmark should not be later than the closing date of May 23 (Monday).

    "Applications must be submitted in the name of the joint ventures simultaneously to both the Transport Operations (New Territories) Division of the Transport Department, 7/F Mongkok Government Offices, 30 Luen Wan Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon; and the Land and Air Ports Administration Division of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province at Room 917, 351 Tianhe Road, Guangzhou [Postal Code 510620]," the spokesman added.

    Applications are subject to two stages of assessment by Hong Kong and Guangdong authorities. The first stage is to assess the basic eligibility of applicants. Those who are successful at the first stage will be informed of the details of the second stage, including the coach services to be provided, operational requirements and detailed application procedures.

Ends/Thursday, May 12, 2005

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