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Transport Department

Smooth traffic on first school day

Morning traffic conditions on the first school day (September 1) was generally smooth and public transport services were able to cope with the demand.

The Transport Department (TD) activated the Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre (ETCC) from 6am today (September 1) to closely monitor the traffic situation and public transport services.

Acting Deputy Commissioner for Transport Ms Carolina Yip went to the Outlying Island Ferry Pier in Central and the North Point Ferry Pier Bus Terminus this morning to observe the public transport services and the queuing situation at the bus terminus.

About 90 department staff were deployed to man the centre or monitor the traffic and transport situation on site at various public transport interchanges and school areas. They provided updated information to the centre for arranging public transport service enhancement when necessary.

"As in previous years, students have been reminded to familiarise themselves with the public transport routes to be taken and the traffic routeing to school on the first few days of the new school term while the traffic pattern will need some time to stabilise," the spokesman said.

The department will continue to monitor the traffic situation and public transport services in the next few days when more schools begin the new school term. There will be close liaison between TD and major public transport operators as well as relevant government departments.

The spokesman reminded students to allow more time for travel. Students living on the outlying islands or attending schools on the outlying islands are advised to check ferry schedules and the vessel types to be used on their intended ferry trips beforehand.

All major public transport operators provide hotlines and websites to answer public enquiries.

* New World First Bus 2136 8888
* CityBus 2873 0818
* Kowloon Motor Bus/ Long Win Bus 2745 4466
* New Lantao Bus 2984 9848
* New World First Ferry 2131 8181
* Hong Kong and Kowloon Ferry 2815 6063

In view of the possible congestion in school areas in the coming days, general motorists should avoid these areas if possible.

Ends/Wednesday, September 1, 2004

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