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Transport Department

Common BBI logo to be on ground by end 2000

Passengers will soon find it easy to identify bus-bus interchange (BBI) services and facilities with the display of a common BBI logo over the territory where interchanges of franchised bus service is available.

Launching the new BBI logo at the prizes presentation ceremony for "Your Favourite Bus-Bus Interchange (BBI) Logo Election and Slogan Contest" today (October 30), the Commissioner for Transport, Mr. Robert Footman, said that BBI schemes would bring in win-win-win situation for all parties concerned.

"We believe that with the provision of more BBI schemes, bus passengers would have more choice of routes with fare concession at the interchange, bus operators would have better network coverage using existing resources and the community would be benefited with less buses along busy corridors and hence better environment," he said.

Mr. Footman also noted that the BBI logo election and slogan contest, which was launched by the Transport Department as part of government's drive to promote BBI schemes, has drawn wide participation of different sectors of the community.

The event is supported by the five franchised bus companies: Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Limited, Citybus Limited, New World First Bus Services Limited, New Lantao Bus Co. (1973) Limited and Long Win Bus Company Limited; and Council member of the Chartered Institute of Transport in Hong Kong, Dr. Hung Wing-tat, who agreed to be member of the Assessment Panel.

Public participation is reflected in the 650 votes for the favourite logo and 524 suggested slogans received within a month when the event was launched in early September.

Two grand prize winners who win unlimited free rides on all franchised buses for three months and 15 of the 60 special prize winners were presented with prizes at the ceremony held today.

The Transport Department is discussing with the bus companies on the arrangement to display the selected logo at existing and future BBI locations to facilitate passengers to identify the services and facilities. The current plan is to put the logo on ground by the end of this year.

In 2000, four BBI schemes - at Kwun Tong Road, Western Harbour Crossing Toll Plaza, Causeway Road and Wan Chai Ferry have so far been implemented. Three more schemes - at Admiralty, Tin Shui Wai town centre and Tate's Cairn Tunnel will be coming on stream in the next few months.

End/Monday, October 30, 2000

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