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Transport Department

PLBNet launched to enhance PLB quality service

A newsletter for the Public Light Bus (PLB) trade - "PLB Net"- was today launched to enhance the quality of the PLB service.

The newsletter, in Chinese language only, was produced by the Quality Public Light Bus Service Steering Committee (QPSSC) to promote awareness of the PLB operators and drivers on PLB matters.

A total of 15,000 copies were printed and distributed to members of the trade.

Distributing the newsletters to PLB drivers and passengers at a green minibus terminus at Star Ferry to mark the launching of the Newsletter, the Commissioner for Transport, Mr Robert Footman, said : "Publication of this newsletter could disseminate the message of quality PLB services within the trade as well as strengthen the communications among trade members and the Government.

The newsletter carries articles from the PLB trade, information on traffic and environmental matters, codes on good PLB driver and passenger, etc. Public can collect the newsletter at TD Licensing Offices or District Offices or visit Transport Department's web site at"

The Chairman of the QPSSC, Mr Yeung Ka-sing, said: "I hope the newsletter will become a forum of exchange among PLB trade, PLB drivers and the Transport Department, and lead us to strive towards the aim of providing quality PLB services."

"Besides the newsletter, other projects to promote service quality include a PLB Passenger Satisfaction Survey, Workshops for PLB operators, a Quality PLB Driver Award Scheme, driver training and improvements on passenger facilities, including displaying of enquiry hotline, driver's name plate, installation of grip handle, call bell and speed display unit on PLBs," Mr Yeung added.

The QPSSC comprises representatives from the PLB trade associations, Transport Bureau, Transport Department, Police Force, District Councils, Hong Kong Tourism Board as well as the Consumer Council.

End/Saturday, December 29, 2001

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