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Transport Department

Causeway Bay pedestrian scheme extended to Saturdays

The Transport Department will, starting from tomorrow (December 16), extend the Causeway Bay pedestrian scheme to cover Saturdays on a trial basis in view of the welcoming response from the public.

At present, Lockhart Road (east of Cannon Street), East Point Road and Great George Street (west of Paterson Street) are closed for pedestrians between 4 pm and midnight on Sundays and public holidays.

"Furthermore, closure of the above road sections will be put on trial on every Saturday between 4 pm and midnight from tomorrow onwards for about two months," he added.

During the road closures, motorists heading for Paterson Street will have to use Gloucester Road service road, Cleveland Street and Kingston Street.

Those on Lockhart Road eastbound heading for Paterson Street and the car parks at Great George Street will be diverted to route via Percival Street southbound, Hennessy Road eastbound, Yee Wo Street, Sugar Street, Gloucester Road northbound and Kingston Street westbound.

In this connection, the eastbound tram lane on Hennessy Road near the Sogo Department Store will be opened daily to improve road capacity.

Motorists are reminded to pay heed to the traffic aids on site when driving in the area.

The Causeway Bay scheme, which was introduced in June this year, has effectively separated pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Pedestrians find it more safe and pleasant to walk in the vehicle-free streets during the pedestrianisation period. In view of the favourable response, the scheme will be implemented on a permanent basis.

End/Friday, December 15, 2000

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