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Transport Department

Proposal for taxi driver training programme

As a measure to help the taxi trade improve the attraction of its service to the commuters, Transport Department intends to produce a self-learning in-service training programme for taxi drivers.

Speaking at a press briefing held this (October 22) afternoon, its Chairman, Mr Jeffrey Lam, said the Committee at a meeting last week expressed support for the training programme.

"This in-service training programme will help improve taxi driver's customer service skills and basic Putonghua and English, and reinforce their basic knowledge on destinations and routes, taxi regulations and road users' codes. The programme will also cover basic taxi operation skills and proper driving attitude and behaviour."

"To facilitate self-learning, the training programme will be conducted in the form of a package for free distribution to in-service taxi drivers. This will provide them with refresher and service skill enhancement training. Subject to the availability of resources, the in-service training programme will be launched after consultation with the relevant parties," Mr Lam said.

"The training programme is proposed in response to a recommendation of a review conducted by a working group of the Transport Advisory Committee Working Group on Review of Taxi Licensing System in 1998."

The QTSSC was formed in May 1999 and was tasked with giving advice to the Transport Department on the delivery of various projects for improving the quality of taxi services. It comprises representatives from the taxi trade associations and drivers' associations, Transport Bureau, Transport Department, District Councils, the Hong Kong Tourism Board and the Consumer Council. Since the year of 2000, the QTSSC has published 6 issues of taxi newsletters, organized 2 taxi driver award schemes and the Workplace English and Putonghua Programme for Taxi Drivers, followed by the Quality Taxi Services Forum in January 2001, the publication of the Taxi Service Standards in May and the Taxi Driver Commendation Scheme in July 2001.

End/Monday, October 22, 2001

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