Transport Department
Two-way Traffic to be implemented on Ice House Street from December 6, 2002
The Transport Department (TD) announced today (December 3) that in order to alleviate the traffic congestion around Pedder Street in Central, the southbound section of Ice House Street between Connaught Road Central and Chater Road will be rerouted from one-way traffic to two-way traffic from 10 am on December 6 (Friday).
Upon implementation of the rerouting, vehicles on Ice House Street heading Connaught Road Central may use the northbound road instead of Pedder Street. Vehicles with length less than 5 meters heading Connaught Road Central may turn right onto Ice House Street. Moreover, vehicles are allowed to pick-up/drop-off passengers at unrestricted areas along Ice House Street.
Appropriate traffic aids will be erected to guide motorists.
Members of the public are advised to pay attention to the above-mentioned special traffic arrangements.
End/Tuesday, December 3, 2002