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Transport Department

Transport Department to monitor transport for Ma On Shan Rail opening

The Transport Department today (December 20) reminded the public that to tie in with the commissioning of Ma On Shan Rail (MOSR) at 3pm tomorrow, a network of feeder services has been put in place for those who lived further away from the new railway stations.

The department will activate the Emergency Transport Co-ordination Centre tomorrow, Wednesday, Friday, December 28 and January 3, 2005 to monitor the operation of MOSR and the passenger demand of public transport services along the rail alignment.

Observers will be sent to rail stations and public transport interchanges to monitor the situation on site.

Residents are also reminded to familiarise themselves with the feeder service arrangements. They are advised to avoid rushing at the last minute to make their journeys especially on Wednesday (December 22), the first working day after the commissioning of MOSR.

Passengers can obtain the latest information on public transport services in relation to MOSR by calling the following hotlines:

* TD 2804 2600;
* KCRC 2929 3399;
* KMB 2745 4466;
* New World First Bus 2136 8888; and
* Citybus 2873 0818.

Details of the public transport services available for each MOSR station are uploaded onto the department's homepage (PDF Format).

The department will phase in the public transport plan gradually to ensure smooth adaptation. The first phase will strengthen feeder services to MOSR stations. Other changes, such as cancellation of bus routes, will only be introduced after passenger travelling patterns have been carefully monitored and assessed after the opening of MOSR. All existing public transport services will be maintained at the beginning of commissioning of the new railway.

Ends/Monday, December 20, 2004

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