Applications for cross-boundary coach and hire car services invited
The Transport Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is now inviting applications from suitable operators to provide 1: cross-boundary hire car services between Hong Kong and Mainland; and 2: cross-boundary coach overnight services between Hong Kong and Mainland, both through the Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point. Deadlines for both applications are on Saturday, February 1, 2003.
Since the services under application are cross-boundary transport services between Hong Kong and Mainland, the services should be jointly operated by joint ventures of Hong Kong and Mainland. Applications should be made in writing giving accurate information as follows:
the name of the person(s) to be contacted and the means of contact. If the applicant is a limited company, Hong Kong Certificate of Incorporation and Mainland Certificate of Business have to be submitted. If the applicant is an unlimited company, Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate and Mainland Certificate of Business have to be submitted; | |
description of the nature of the service, the number and type of vehicles used, and seating capacity; for application of cross-boundary coach overnight services, position of steering wheel and installation of passenger seatbelts have to be provided; | |
relevant experience in operating similar transport services; | |
details of partnership arrangements, e.g. names and addresses of both Hong Kong and Mainland partners; and | |
approval documents issued by accredited Mainland authorities for providing cross-boundary hire car services or cross-boundary coach overnight services; | |
(Application of cross-boundary hire car services) the number of hire car quota applied; | |
(Application of cross-boundary coach overnight services) the proposed daily number of crossings between Hong Kong and Mainland, crossing time at the control point (only from 0:00 at midnight to 6:30 am), detailed routeing and terminal facilities on Hong Kong side (The crossing time allocated may not be the same as applied). |
In order to facilitate the process, applications should be submitted in the name of the joint ventures simultaneously to both Transport Department (The Cross Boundary Unit, Licensing Section of the Transport Department, HKSAR, 10/F., Habour Building, 38 Pier Road, Hong Kong) and Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province (The Land and Air Ports Administration Division, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province, Room 917, 351 Tianhe Road, Guangzhou; Postal Code 510620).
Applications have to be lodged in person or by post (date on postmark should not be later than the closing date) on or before Saturday, February 1, 2003. Applications are subject to the vetting and approval of the Hong Kong and Guangdong authorities.
Further enquiries can be either made to The Transport Department of HKSAR (tel. no.: 852 2804 2578) or to The Land and Air Ports Administration Division of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province (tel. no.: 8620 38819940).
End/Monday, January 20, 2003