One-off non-accountable subsidy of $10,000 for Hong Kong cross-boundary goods vehicle owners under the sixth round of Anti-epidemic Fund

Given that the daily operations and livelihood of Hong Kong cross-boundary goods vehicle (CBGV) owners have been seriously affected under the fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Government will provide a one-off non-accountable subsidy of $10,000 to the owner of each eligible Hong Kong CBGV under the Anti-epidemic Fund so as to assist them in facing the difficult operating environment. The owners of about 12 000 Hong Kong CBGVs are expected to benefit from this measure. The Transport Department (TD) today (June 14) announced the details of disbursing the subsidy.

The TD said that the subsidy would be disbursed to each eligible Hong Kong CBGV owner in the form of crossed cheques according to the TD's records. CBGV owners are not required to submit applications to the TD. The TD will send the crossed cheques of the subsidy to the eligible Hong Kong CBGV owners by post starting from late-June.

The TD reminded the Hong Kong CBGV owners that the crossed cheques would be mailed to the correspondence address according to record kept by the TD (i.e. the information on the correspondence address as reported by the CBGV owners when they applied for various licensing services). If their addresses provided to the TD's Licensing Office have been changed, the owners or their agents (including their transportation companies) should update their correspondence addresses to the TD on or before June 28, so as to avoid delay. For details, please visit the TD's website:

A Hong Kong CBGV owner must meet one of the following criteria in order to be eligible for the aforementioned subsidy:
  1. The CBGV had been issued with a valid Closed Road Permit by the TD as at June 1; or
  2. The CBGV had been issued with a valid Closed Road Permit by the TD during the period between March 1 and May 31, and once again be issued with a valid Closed Road Permit by the TD during the period on or before June 30.
For details of the above measure, please visit the TD's website ( or email to for enquiries.

Ends/Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Issued at HKT 11:00