TD appeals to public not to rush to licensing offices for submission of licensing applications
A spokesman for the Transport Department (TD) said today (April 21) that a large number of members of the public have been queuing up at its licensing offices and the waiting time for walk-in counter services requires several hours. The TD appeals to the public that there is no need to rush to the licensing offices to submit applications unless the licence is about to expire or has already expired, and they are encouraged to use the online booking service as far as possible to reduce crowd gathering and waiting time in the licensing offices. The licensing offices will strengthen crowd control measures if the situation warrants. Members of the public are requested to follow the instructions from the staff on site.Hong Kong Licensing Office | 2804 2636 |
Kowloon Licensing Office | 2150 7728 |
Kwun Tong Licensing Office | 2775 6835 |
Sha Tin Licensing Office | 2606 1468 |