Transport Department
Transport Department's special arrangements for renewal of vehicle and driving licences on Budget Day
The Transport Department (TD) said today (February 14) that to align with the special work arrangements for government employees, the Licensing Offices located at Admiralty, Cheung Sha Wan, Kwun Tong and Sha Tin will continue to suspend walk-in counter services but will provide counter services for applications submitted by applicants with online appointments and process applications submitted through drop-in boxes, by post or online.In view of the abovementioned special work arrangements, and to avoid the rush for members of the public to submit applications for renewal of expiring and expired vehicle and driving licences before Budget Day, the TD will implement the special arrangements as follows:
* All vehicle licences eligible for renewal on or before Budget Day (February 23), i.e. vehicles that are registered at the time of renewal and with licence expiry dates falling on or before June 22, can be renewed at the present rate, whether for four months or 12 months, at any time up to and including June 22.
* All full Hong Kong driving licences and driving instructor's licences eligible for renewal on or before Budget Day (February 23), i.e. those expiring on or before June 22 and those that have expired for less than three years at the time of renewal, can be renewed at the present rate at any time up to and including June 22.
* The special arrangements only apply to the applications for renewal of vehicle licences, full driving licences and driving instructor's licences that meet the conditions above. They do not apply to any other licensing services.
"It is not necessary for eligible licence holders to rush to the TD licensing offices to renew their licences on speculation that those licence fees may increase in the coming Budget. The abovementioned arrangements are a separate issue with the content of the Budget in which the TD has no information. In addition, the TD anticipated that under the special work arrangements, the queuing time for counter services with an appointment, and the time required in processing applications submitted via drop-in box, by post or online, will be longer. To avoid unnecessary delay, members of the public should submit applications three to four weeks before the expiry dates as far as practicable. In tandem, the TD appeals for patience and understanding from members of the public who have submitted applications or are required to queue up for counter services," a spokesman said.
Ends/Monday, February 14, 2022
Issued at HKT 11:30