Transport Department
Transport Department's latest service arrangements
To align with the Government's announcement on the latest anti-epidemic measures with a view to stopping the virus from spreading in the community, the Transport Department (TD) said today (February 3) that it will adjust public services from February 4 until further notice. Details are as follows:Licensing and related services
(1) The Licensing Offices at Admiralty, Cheung Sha Wan, Kwun Tong and Sha Tin will suspend walk-in counter services, but will continue to provide counter services for applications submitted by applicants with online appointments and process applications submitted by drop-in boxes, by post, or online. Members of the public without prior booking may submit applications by post, online, or via the drop-in boxes placed at the Licensing Offices from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. Those submitting an application by post or via drop-in box should put the completed application form, all necessary documents and the appropriate fee (by crossed cheque payable to either "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" or "The Government of the HKSAR") into an envelope. Original identity documents and cash must not be sent by post or drop-in box.
The TD appeals to members of the public in need to use the online appointment services as far as possible. For applications submitted via the drop-in boxes, they are advised to mark on the envelope the vehicle registration marks and the expiry dates of the vehicle licences, and to leave day time contact telephone numbers on the application forms. This is to enable the staff to identify and follow up on urgent applications. Moreover, for timely processing of applications, they should ensure that the respective application form is duly completed and all necessary supporting documents and a crossed cheque with the correct amount of payable fee are attached before submission. To avoid unnecessary delay, members of the public should submit applications two to three weeks before the expiry dates as far as practicable.
(2) The Public Vehicles Unit at Admiralty will suspend walk-in counter services. Members of the public can submit their applications for public vehicle licences using the drop-in box placed at the Hong Kong Licensing Office at Admiralty. The TD will process the applications according to established procedures and deliver the respective licences/ permits/ approval letters to the applicants upon completion of processing such applications.
(3) The Vehicle Records Office, the Driving Licence Records Office and the Driving Offence Points Office at Admiralty will suspend walk-in counter services. Those with enquiries relating to the collection of a driving licence after a disqualification period should call the Driving Licence Records Office or the Driving Offence Points Office.
(4) The Cross Boundary Unit at Sheung Wan will suspend walk-in counter services. Members of the public can submit their applications using the drop-in box placed at the Cross Boundary Unit. The TD will contact individual applicants to follow up on the applications.
The TD also reminds members of the public that except for exempted persons, all visitors are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile application before entering the TD's premises and have to undergo on-the-spot body temperature checks arranged by the TD. Anyone who refuses to observe the above requirements or whose body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius will be denied entry to the premises. The staff on site will also request visitors to wear masks and clean their hands with alcohol-based sanitiser before entry and wear masks at all times in the premises.
Vehicle examination services
The TD's Vehicle Examination Centres will continue to provide vehicle examination services for vehicles with an appointment. Since the vehicle concerned has to pass the examination before the vehicle licence can be renewed, members of the public should make an early vehicle examination appointment as far as practicable.
The TD appeals to the understanding of the members of the public that the TD has to reduce the provision of public services in view of the latest development of epidemic. The TD will closely monitor the situation and adjust its services to align with the Government's anti-epidemic measures and arrangements, and will notify members of the public in due course. For enquiries, members of the public can contact the offices concerned of the TD at the following numbers:
Hong Kong Licensing Office | 2804 2636 |
Kowloon Licensing Office | 2150 7728 |
Kwun Tong Licensing Office | 2775 6835 |
Sha Tin Licensing Office | 2606 1468 |
Public Vehicles Unit | 2804 2574 |
Vehicle Records Office | 2867 4691 |
Driving Licence Records Office | 2804 2596 |
Driving Offence Points Office | 2804 2594 |
Cross Boundary Unit | 2543 2114 |
Driving Test Centre/Driving Test Appointment Office | 2771 7723 |
Sheung Kwai Chung Vehicle Examination Centre | 2424 5215 |
Transport Department Vehicle Examination Complex (TDVEC), 2/F (buses) | 3961 0307 |
TDVEC, 2/F (parallel imported vehicles) | 3961 0308 |
TDVEC, 1/F | 3961 0306 |
TDVEC, G/F | 2751 8862 |
Ends/Thursday, February 3, 2022
Issued at HKT 23:23
Issued at HKT 23:23