Transport Department
New edition of Road Users' Code takes effect today (with photos)
A spokesman for the Transport Department (TD) said that the Road Users' Code (RUC) (June 2020 Edition), offering comprehensive advice and information to road users, took effect today (June 19).
The spokesman said, "The RUC sets out rules, advice and information applicable to different types of road users, including drivers, cyclists, passengers and pedestrians, and seeks to enable road users to understand the meaning of traffic signs, traffic signals and road markings. The last update of RUC was made in 2000."
The revisions of the new RUC are generally categorised as follows:
1. Reflecting amendments that have been made to the relevant legislation since the last round of updating of the RUC
For example, public light bus and taxi passengers must wear seat belts installed on their seats; private car and light goods vehicle drivers are required to undergo a probationary driving period before obtaining a full driving licence; drivers must switch off idling engines and adhere to the statutory requirements in connection with drink driving and drug driving;
2. Providing additional advice to road users
For example, ways to ride a bicycle safely; reminders for the elderly and the disabled on the safe use of public transport, roads and related facilities; and
3. Updating information
For example, updates on strategic route numbers, traffic signs and road markings, as well as revisions to illustrations and wordings. In addition, a new section on "Further Reference Materials" provides the QR codes/websites to facilitate public access to relevant information.
The spokesman reminded members of the public that all rules, advice and information applicable to road users shall be subject to the prevailing legislation given that the legislation may be amended from time to time.
With the launch of the new RUC, the content of the driving test (written test Part A) and the taxi written test (Part C) will be updated. The number of questions, the duration and the passing criteria of the written tests will remain unchanged. The new RUC is applicable to candidates (both fresh candidates and repeaters) who submit applications for the written test Part A and the taxi written test to the TD on or after July 15. Candidates will be allocated with test appointments on or after September 28 and be given one free copy of the new RUC. The public and the candidates can also view or download the new RUC for free via the TD's website ( or the mobile application "HKeMobility".
The new RUC, in separate Chinese and English versions, will also be available for sale from July 15 at the Information Services Department's Publications Sales Unit at Room 626, 6/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
For enquiries on the driving test (written test Part A) and taxi written tests, please contact the offices concerned of the TD at the following numbers:
Hong Kong Licensing Office | 2804 2636 |
Kowloon Licensing Office | 2150 7728 |
Sha Tin Licensing Office | 2606 1468 |
Driving Test Appointment Office | 2771 7723 |
Ends/Friday, June 19, 2020