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Transport Department

Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department to introduce new management measures on quota system for Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars

     The Transport Department (TD) announced today (April 1) that the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department (GDPSD) will introduce new management measures on the quota system of Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars, including relaxation of application criteria and strengthening quota management, starting from April 15 (Monday). Applications accepted or approved before the implementation of the new measures will be processed based on the original terms.
     To foster the economic and social development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, after deliberations by the Hong Kong and Guangdong governments, the scope of eligibility for Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars will be further expanded by relaxing application criteria. The measures relating to Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars include:

  1. Relaxing the investment and tax requirements in Guangdong Province: The investment threshold will be waived and the taxation threshold in mountainous and non-mountainous areas will be aligned. Enterprises with a tax amount of at least RMB150,000 in Guangdong Province in the past year will be eligible to apply for one quota place;
  2. Relaxing the donation requirements in Guangdong Province: Individuals whose charitable contributions amount to an accumulative sum of RMB3 million and social organisations with charitable contributions amounting to an accumulative sum of RMB10 million will be eligible to apply for one quota place; and 
  3. Expanding the scope of eligibility to cover talents: Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering who are currently working in Hong Kong, current vice-chancellors of the universities in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong, Taiwanese or foreign holders of A Superior Talent Cards will be eligible to apply for one quota place.
     In addition, the GDPSD will introduce measures in strengthening quota management with a view to combating speculation and illegal use of quota places. The relevant measures include:
  1. Imposing a quota validity period: A one-year validity period will be set for quota places under the investment category and the validity period for quota places under the categories of talents and qualified office holders will be set at five years. Applicants may apply for renewal upon expiry, given that they meet the application criteria;
  2. Imposing restrictions on change of vehicles and drivers: For the quota under the investment category, holders are prohibited from changing vehicles within three years and changing drivers within one year, unless under special circumstances;
  3. Revoking quota places: If holders or users under the quota are found to use their cross-boundary private cars for illegal immigration, illegal car hiring or smuggling activities, or to be involved in transfer, sale or hire of quota places, or to obtain quota places by deception or bribery, the quota place concerned will be revoked.
     For details of the new measures, please visit the GDPSD's website at
Ends/Monday, April 1, 2019
Issued at HKT 17:30

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