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Transport Department

Fee adjustment for Transport Department licensing services

The Transport Department (TD) today (July 13) reminded members of the public that fees for seven licensing service items provided by the department will be revised on July 20.

The fee items to be revised are as follows:

(1) Registration of a motor vehicle;
(2) Duplicate vehicle licence for a rickshaw;
(3) Duplicate trade licence or permit;
(4) Vehicle licence for an invalid carriage;
(5) Vehicle licence for a rickshaw;
(6) Excess passengers permit; and
(7) Movement permit.

A TD spokesman said that the Legislative Council Panel on Transport was consulted on the proposed revision of fees in February. The Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2015, which set out the revised fees, has been passed by the Legislative Council.

The adjusted fees of the seven licensing services are listed in the Annex.

Ends/Monday, July 13, 2015
Issued at HKT 15:16


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