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Transport Department

NT taxi fare concession scheme takes effect on June 8

The NT taxi concessionary fare scheme put forward by 10 NT taxi operators conference members will proceed tomorrow (June 8) as planned, a government spokesman said.

As promised in the Legislative Council Transport Panel meeting, the government will conduct a questionnaire survey to collect the actual experience of the trade in the initial stage of the implementation of the scheme.

After meeting with representatives of 10 NT taxi operators conference members and NT taxi drivers representatives led by Legislative Council member Mr Leung Yiu-chung respectively this morning, the spokesman said: "A consensus was reached for the scheme to go ahead and a questionnaire survey to be conducted as soon as possible to gauge the views of NT taxi owners and drivers."

"The survey is expected to be completed within one month from the day of the implementation of the scheme," he said.

The spokesman thanked the representatives for reaching a consensus and taking into consideration the public interest.

The concessionary fare scheme moved by the taxi trade for offering concessionary fares was aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of NT taxis and attracting more business.

NT taxi trade especially taxi drivers are appealed to be more co-operative when the scheme is tried out, he said.

Transport Department will meet the trade representatives again in the coming week to decide on the content and methodology of the questionnaire survey.

End/Saturday, June 7, 2003

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