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Transport Department

Response to media enquiries on illegal carriage of passengers by private cars and light goods vehicles

In response to media enquiries on private cars and light goods vehicles carrying passengers for hire or reward, a spokesman for the Transport Department (TD) today (July 6) gave the following reply:

Any person or organisation arranging for a private car for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward by any means must hold a hire car permit in respect of the concerned vehicle and abide by the relevant ordinances and the hire car permit conditions.

In accordance with the Road Traffic Ordinance, Cap 374, no person shall drive or use a private car for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward unless a hire car permit is in force in respect of the vehicle. No matter using which means to arrange for hire car service, including joining those groups using smart phone applications (apps) as a platform, it is an offence for any person using a private car without a hire car permit to provide hire car service. Offender is liable to a fine of $5,000 and imprisonment for three months on a first conviction, and a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for six months for a second or subsequent conviction. The licence of the vehicle involved will also be temporarily suspended.

Regarding private cars with a valid hire car permit, permit holders must also comply with the permit conditions for using the private cars to provide hire car service. The conditions include that the hire car permit shall be displayed on the windscreen inside the car for easy inspection. Public are advised to check with the operator to ensure that the vehicle holds a valid hire car permit at the time of booking and examine the hire car permit displayed on the vehicle before the journey starts.

As to light goods vehicles (LGVs), which means goods vehicles not exceeding 5.5 tonnes permitted gross vehicle weight with maximum five passengers seats, they are mainly used for carrying goods. According to the Road Traffic Ordinance, LGVs can be used for carrying goods for hire or reward and the fees charged are not regulated. Nevertheless, it is an offence for any person to use LGVs for carrying passengers for hire or reward. It is also an offence to solicit or attempt to solicit any person for hire or reward to travel in an LGV. Offender is liable to a fine of $5,000 and imprisonment for three months on a first conviction, and a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for six months for a second or subsequent conviction.

Upon receipt of complaints about vehicles suspected of violating the relevant regulations, the TD will refer the cases to Police for follow-up actions. Upon request by Police, the TD will provide the relevant information of the vehicles concerned to assist Police in their investigation. Members of the public should report to Police if any vehicles were suspected of being illegally used for carrying passengers for hire or reward.

As the practice of calling LGVs through the use of smart phone apps has become prevalent, the TD has already reminded apps developers of the relevant ordinances, especially it is an offence for using LGVs to carry passengers for hire or reward. The TD has also requested these apps developers to remind LGVs drivers who are using their apps of the relevant regulations.

Ends/Monday, July 6, 2015
Issued at HKT 21:12


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