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Transport Department

Journey Time Indication System to keep motorists informed

Motorists will be able to obtain useful information for them to determine on their cross harbour routes from Hong Kong to Kowloon when Transport Department introduces its first ever Journey Time Indication System (JTIS).

Unveiling the Journey Time Indication System at a press conference, Assistant Commissioner for Transport, Mr Alex WT Yeung, today (June 19) said: "The first set of on-site indicators of JTIS will be commissioned at Gloucester Road Eastbound (outside Revenue Tower) on June 21.

Two other sets of on-site indicators at Canal Road Flyover Northbound (near North Portal of Aberdeen Tunnel) and Island Eastern Corridor Westbound (outside City Garden) will be commissioned later."

He said: "With the JTIS commissioned, motorists will be informed of updated journey time from the above three locations along selected routes to the Kowloon exits of the three cross-harbour tunnels. The journey times will be refreshed every five minutes.

It is estimated that the traveling time of five per cent of the daily 260 000 passenger trips crossing the harbour during the peak hours could be reduced by three minutes, which represent an annual economical saving of about $11 million."

The system features data acquisition, communication network, remote on-site LED display and central control centre.

Apart from using detection cameras to collect traffic data, in-vehicle Global Positioning System units are also installed on buses to provide vehicle speed data.

After analyzing, the journey time will be shown on the on-site indicators in green, amber or red round-the-clock.

For routes through the Cross Harbour Tunnel, the colour ranges are as follows:

* Green: 10 minutes or below
* Amber: 11 to 20 minutes
* Red: above 20 minutes

For routes through the Eastern or Western Harbour Crossing, the colour ranges are as follows:

* Green: 20 minutes or below
* Amber: 21 to 40 minutes
* Red: above 40 minutes

In case of serious congestion along a route, the indicator will show a "Very Serious Congestion" sign. A "Tunnel Closed" sign will be shown if a tunnel is closed because of emergency.

JTIS is introduced to facilitate motorists to choose their routes at critical diversion points. The overall performance of the system will be evaluated in end 2003.

Members of the public who have any questions or views on the system may call the Government hotline 1823 or write to the Intelligent Transport Division of the Transport Department by fax (2845 7489) or email (

End/Thursday, June 19, 2003

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