Transport Department
TD renewed Hong Kong ATC and CCTV consultancy agreement
Transport Department today (March 8) signed a $3.9 million consultancy agreement with Arup Delcan Joint Venture for the Design and Construction Assignment for Renewal of Hong Kong Area Traffic Control (ATC) and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems on Hong Kong Island.
The Project comprises primarily replacement and expansion of the Hong Kong ATC and CCTV systems on Hong Kong Island. Upon completion of the Project, all the signalized junctions on Hong Kong Island (approximately 450 in numbers) will be controlled under the renewed ATC system.
Also, the number of CCTV cameras installed at key roadside locations will be increased from existing 42 to 62. They will be linked to the Control Centre of the Transport Department for close traffic monitoring.
The Consultants will be responsible for the detailed design and the administration of the contracts for implementation of the works. The assignment will commence on March 8, 2002. Subject to availability of fund from the Government, construction works will commence in mid 2003 for completion in end 2005.
The ATC system centrally co-ordinates traffic signal timings to minimize vehicle stoppage and delay resulting in reduction of journey time. In general, ATC system is expected to improve the efficiency of road network. These include reduction in journey time by about 30 per cent, number of stops by about 28 per cent and stopping time by about 52 per cent.
Since the existing Hong Kong ATC system has been in full operation since 1989, the system is now more than 10 years old and is approaching the end of its serviceable life. It is therefore necessary to replace the Hong Kong ATC system by a state-of-the-art traffic control system to continue realising the benefits of ATC.
In respect of the existing Hong Kong CCTV system, it was implemented and put into full operation in 1993. By end 2005, it will be working again for more than 10 years, and it is therefore necessary to replace the existing Hong Kong CCTV system with a new one to ensure proper and efficient operation of the equipment for traffic monitoring.
End/Friday, March 8, 2002.