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Transport Department

Temporary NSR relaxation of taxi extended for 6 months

Transport Department (TD) announced this afternoon (July 28) that the temporary relaxation of peak-hour clearways and 7 am - 7 pm clearways, on roads with speed limits less than 70 kilometer per hour for taxis will be extended for a further period of 6 months up to January 31, 2004 to facilitate recovery of the taxi business after the SARS attack.

Under this arrangement, taxis will be given a further 6-month temporary exemption, from August 1, 2003 to January 31, 2004, from the restrictions from picking up and setting down passengers at the NSRs concerned. Same as the current arrangement, taxis will be allowed to pick up and set down passengers, but not wait for passengers.

"Taxi drivers should continue to exercise self discipline and to strictly observe the 'pick up, drop-off and go' and 'no waiting' rules. If there are violations of traffic rules or obstruction and inconvenience caused to other road users, the Government will be forced to terminate the relaxation in whole or in part before expiry of the extended period," the spokesman added.

"TD and the Police will continue to monitor the traffic situation closely and take appropriate enforcement actions against taxi queues which pose serious traffic congestion or safety hazards at junctions and on busy roads. Black spots such as Garden Road outside Citibank Tower, Nathan Road and Canton Road will be given particular attention."

"The taxi associations have also undertaken to remind their members to strictly comply with the 'pick up-drop off-and go' and not to wait for passengers requirements and of the possible consequence of non-compliance," the spokesman supplemented.

Since the existing restricted zone permits of taxis will expire after July 31, 2003 and taxi owners/drivers are required to renew /update their permits.

"Transport Department will set up counters for the permit renewal and updating at 12 designated LPG refilling station at listed annex from July 31, 2003 to August 1, 2003 during 12 noon to 6 pm daily. Taxi owners/drivers are required to bring along their existing permits to the counter and request for a renewal. Renewal services will also be made available at TD's 4 Licensing Offices from August 1, 2003," the spokesmen added.

Enquiry about the relaxation and permit renewal arrangement can be directed to Government Hotline on 1823.


Name of Company District Station Address
ECO Eastern Joint of Fung Yip Street and On Yip Street, Chai Wan
CRC Central and Western Fung Mat Road, SheungWan
ECO Wanchai Marsh Road, Wanchai
CRC Kwun Tong Wai Lok Street, Kwun Tong
CRC Kowloon Bay Cheung Yip Street, Kowloon Bay
ECO West Kowloon Hau Cheung Street, West Kowloon
ECO Mei Foo Sham Mong Road, Mei Foo
CRC Kwai Chung Joint of Kwai On Road and Kwai Chung Road, Kwai Chung
CRC Tai Po Yuen Chau Tsai, Tai Po
CRC Yuen Long Tak Yip Street, Yuen Long
ECO Tuen Mun Yip Wong Road, Tuen Mun
CRC Ma On Shan Ma On Shan Road, Ma On Shan

End/Monday, July 28, 2003

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