Transport Department
Visiting Scheme to Outlying Islands 2014-15 to start receiving applications on June 16
The Transport Department (TD) today (June 12) announced the launch of the Visiting Scheme to Outlying Islands 2014-15 to encourage schools, voluntary uniformed groups, non-governmental organisations, community and local groups and more to organise activities to visit Cheung Chau, Lantau (Mui Wo), Peng Chau and Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan). The successful applicants will be provided with free ferry rides to travel to and from the above four outlying islands to organise activities.
A TD spokesman said, "The objectives of the Scheme are to promote the local economy of outlying islands, to reduce the transportation costs of organisations for holding activities and to boost patronage of the outlying island ferry services."
The application period of the Scheme will be one year, lasting from June 16, 2014, to June 15, 2015.
The TD has made arrangements for posters as well as leaflets with application forms for the Scheme, and will disseminate the relevant information to the public and prospective applicants through the Education Bureau, the Home Affairs Bureau, the Social Welfare Department, the Home Affairs Department, the Labour Department and the Employees Retraining Board. Members of the public may also visit the TD's website ( to obtain the details of the Scheme and download the application form or call the 1823 Call Centre (Tel: 1823) for enquiries.
"The TD launched a similar scheme in 2012. During the application period in 2012, about 1 200 applications were approved and about 100 000 free passenger trips were provided under the Scheme to travel to and from Cheung Chau, Lantau (Mui Wo), Peng Chau and Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan)," the spokesman added.
Ends/Thursday, June 12, 2014
Issued at HKT 14:35