Transport Department
Workshop promoted PLB drivers training and management
Some 120 people in the Public Light Bus trade have participated in a workshop to promote awareness among public light bus (PLB) operators on importance of training and management of PLB drivers with a view to improving the quality of PLB services
Organized by Transport Department (TD) and the Quality Public Light Bus Services Steering Committee (QPSSC), three half-day workshops were held starting February 4.
The workshop was in the form of lectures conducted by expert speakers, case studies and group discussion in order to provide for some simple guidelines and practical hints on how to recruit, train and motivate PLB drivers for better performance.
Speaking at the closing of the workshop today (February 6), TD's Assistant Commissioner, Mr Daniel Au Wing-hay said: "TD has conducted workshops in the past two years on customer services and safe driving to promote PLB quality service. As a continuity, the workshop held this year aims at instilling in the PLB operators a deeper understanding on principles of staff training and performance management."
A Passenger Satisfaction Survey conducted by TD reveals that overall satisfaction rating for Green Minibus is 67 per cent and for Red Minibus is 65 per cent. This indicates that passengers generally consider the PLB services satisfactory. Fast, frequent and easily accessible services are the major reasons for satisfaction with PLB services whereas drivers' conduct, driving attitude and vehicle conditions are areas for improvements.
Mr Au added: "PLB drivers, being the key personnel in providing passengers a pleasant journey, deserve a comprehensive training and development programme in order to meet passengers' expectations for high quality PLB services in the ever-increasing competitive environment of passenger transport."
Jointly produced by Transport Department and the consultant of the workshop, a set of learning package, Handbook and CD-ROM were also distributed to all the participants of the workshop.
Under the guidance of the QPSSC, other projects promoting the quality PLB services included the completed PLB Passenger Satisfaction Survey, Quality PLB Driver Award Scheme to be launched in March, Drivers' Improvement Scheme, PLB Newsletter which had the inaugural issue last December and the on-going improvement on passenger facilities.
The QPSSC comprises representatives from the PLB trade associations, Transport Bureau, Transport Department, Police Force, District Councils, Hong Kong Tourism Board as well as the Consumer Council.
End/Wednesday, February 6, 2002