Transport Department
First Registration Tax refund arrangement
Following the enactment of the Revenue Ordinance 2003, Transport Department (TD) will arrange for refund to private cars and motorcycles owners who have paid first registration tax (FRT) which was calculated according to the rates announced in Budget 2003-04 and stipulated in the Public Revenue Protection (Revenue) Order 2003 (the PRPO).
The amount of the refund will be equivalent to the difference in tax liability between the PRPO and the Revenue Ordinance 2003.
The total amount of FRT to be refunded will be about $78 million involving some 4500 vehicles.
A TD spokesman said: "Concerned vehicle owners are not required to make any application. After working out the refund amounts, TD will send the refund cheque direct to the correspondence addresses provided by the eligible owners in the coming three months.
"As the refund will be sent by post, vehicle owners are reminded to notify TD immediately in writing or by completing TD559 of any change of address since first registration of their vehicles after March 5, 2003 to avoid unnecessary delay in receiving the refund."
As a result of the refund, the information on FRT paid as recorded on the vehicle registration document of affected vehicles has to be updated. TD will separately inform current vehicle owners in writing of when they should approach TD Licensing Offices for replacement of their vehicle registration documents. This will be arranged in batches starting July 7, 2003.
Enquiries relating to the refund arrangement can be addressed to TD at telephone number: 2804 2600.
End/Friday, June 27, 2003