Transport Department
Transport Department to co-operate with ICAC's investigation
A spokesman for the Transport Department (TD) today (November 9) said that the Department was aware that staff members of certain designated car testing centres were being investigated by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in relation to a suspected corruption case.
The spokesman said that it was inappropriate for the Department to comment on the case, while the investigation was underway. The Department would fully co-operate with the ICAC in the investigation, and would take follow-up action as necessary in the light of the investigation outcome.
The spokesman reiterated that the Department placed great emphasis on vehicle safety, and motor vehicle examiners would continue to conduct irregular inspections and monitor the operations of car testing centres.
The spokesman further said that all 22 designated car testing centres in Hong Kong continued to operate as usual. Vehicle owners could choose to take their private vehicles to any of the centres for vehicle examination.
Ends/Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:16