Transport Department
TD invites tenders for closed circuit television system in Hong Kong
The Transport Department today (August 31) invited tenders for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System in Hong Kong.
"The contract includes the installation of a digital CCTV System in Hong Kong and maintenance services of the system for five years," a spokesman for the Transport Department said.
"The works include design, supply and implementation of a digital CCTV System comprising a central computer system, about 425 cameras, and associated equipment as well as civil works."
"The works are scheduled to begin in January 2008, for completion of installation works by September 2010 and for completion of the whole contract by September 2016," the spokesman said.
The department has appointed Ove Arup and Partners Hong Kong Limited to complete the design and to supervise the construction works.
Ends/Friday, August 31, 2007
Issued at HKT 09:00