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Transport Department

Traffic diversions and temporary suspension of meter parking spaces in Jordan (with map)


    The Transport Department announced today (September 17) that the following traffic diversions and temporary suspension of metered parking spaces would be implemented to improve the traffic circulation on Austin Road:

(A)  Traffic Diversions from 10am on Tuesday (September 19, 2006)

(a)  Woosung Street
- The section of Woonsung Street between Jordan Road and Austin Road will be converted from one-way traffic northbound to one-way traffic southbound.
- Vehicles on Woosung Street southbound will be prohibited from making right turn onto Austin Road westbound.
- Vehicles on Bowring Street westbound and Austin Road westbound will be prohibited from making right turn onto Woosung Street.
- Vehicles on Austin Road eastbound will be prohibited from making left turn onto Woosung Street; and

(b) Parkes Street
- The section of Parkes Street between Jordan Road and Austin Road will be converted from one-way traffic southbound to one-way traffic northbound.
- Vehicles on Parkes Street northbound will be prohibited from making right turn onto Jordan Road eastbound.
- Vehicles on Jordan Road westbound will be prohibited from making left turn onto Parkes Street.
- Vehicles exceeding seven metres in length on Parkes Street northbound will be prohibited from making left turn onto Bowring Street westbound.

(B) Temporary Suspension of Meter Parking Spaces

     "All the meter parking spaces on Woosung Street and Parkes Street between Jordan Road and Austin Road will be temporarily suspended from 10am tomorrow (September 18) to 4pm Tuesday (September 19)," a Transport Department spokesman said.  

     Details are now available at the Traffic Notices section of the department's website ( Appropriate traffic signs will be provided on site to guide motorists," the spokesman added.

Ends/Sunday, September 17, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:00

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