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Transport Department

Kwun Tong Road special traffic arrangements

The Transport Department today (September 11) announced that owing to water main burst on Kwun Tong Road, motorists were advised that road closure and special traffic and transport arrangements had been implemented on Kwun Tong Road until 5pm tomorrow (September 12) to facilitate urgent repair works by the Water Supplies Department.

Road closure:
1. Two out of four lanes of Kwun Tong Road eastbound near Tsui Ping Road are closed; and

2. Vehicles on Kwun Tong Road eastbound are banned from left turning onto Tsui Ping Road northbound.

Meanwhile, the following traffic and transport arrangements are being implemented at the same time:-

Traffic Arrangements:

1. Vehicles on Kwun Tong Road eastbound heading for Tsui Ping Road are advised to use Hong Ning Road and Hip Wo Street.

2. Vehicles heading for Tseung Kwan O, Sau Mau Ping or Lam Tin are advised to use Lung Cheung Road, Clear Water Bay Road and New Clear Water Bay Road, or to use Kwun Tong Bypass to avoid the heavy traffic in Kwun Tong Road eastbound.

Transport Arrangements:

1. KMB Routes 11B, 70X and 89C on Kwun Tong Road eastbound have been diverted through Hip Wo Street and then Tsui Ping Road southbound.

2. KMB Route 11C on Kwun Tong Road eastbound have been diverted through Hip Wo Street, Sau Mau Ming Road and then resumed normal routeing.

3. KMB Route 13M on Kwun Tong Road eastbound have been diverted through Lei Yue Mun Road eastbound, Wai Fat Road, Cha Kwo Ling Road, Lei Yue Mun Road westbound, Hip Wo Street and then resumed normal routeing.

4. All bus stops along Tsui Ping Road northbound for the above bus routes will be suspended and replacement bus stops have been provided on Hip Wo Street northbound.

Ends/Monday, September 11, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:12


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