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Section 5  Public Transport

Citybus Limited

Group of Routes Number of routes operated Fares ($) (as at 31.12.2015)
Hong Kong Island 52 2.5 - 10.6
Urban Kowloon and N.T. 1 11.0
Cross Harbour 29 9.3 - 32.2
North Lantau and Hong Kong International Airport 21 3.0 - 52.0
Total 103

Vehicles - Operations Department 1 (registered as at 31 December 2015)

Configuration / class / (code) Passenger Capacity Number
(i) Rear-engined single-deck two axle buses
MAN 11.6 metre (air-con) 69 1
YOUNGMAN 10.5 metre (air-con) 61 16
YOUNGMAN JNP6120GR 11.6 metre (air-con) 71 16
(ii) Rear-engined double-deck three axle buses
Volvo Olympian 11 metre (air-con) 122/124 74
Volvo Olympian 12 metre (air-con) 132/135 102
Dennis Trident 10.6 metre (air-con) 102 1
Dennis Trident 12 metre (air-con) 105/124/127 24
Dennis Trident E500 12 metre (air-con) 118/129 215
Scania Caetano 12 metre (air-con) 128 1
Scania K94UB 12 metre (air-con) 127 1
Dennis Trident Enviro500MMC 12 metre (air-con) 133/137/139 185
Dennis Trident Enviro500MMC 11.3 metre (air-con) 122 49
Dennis Trident Enviro500MMC 12.8 metre (air-con) 146 4
Dennis Trident Enviro500H 12 metre (air-con) 123 2
Volvo B9TL 11.3 metre (air-con) 124/126 30
Volvo B9TL6X2 12.8 meter MKII (air-con) 146 1
(iii) Rear-engined double-deck two axle buses
Dennis Trident E400 10.5 metre (air-con) 88/90 60
Volvo Olympian B9TL 10.6 metre (air-con) 85 1
(iv) Electric Motor single-deck two axle buses
BYD K9 Electric 11.6 metre (air-con) 68 3
Total 786

Vehicle - Operations Department 2 (Airport) (registered as at 31 December 2015)

Configuration / class / (code) Passenger Capacity Number
(i) Rear-engined single-deck two axle buses
MAN 11.6 metre (air-con) 51/68 10
(ii) Rear-engined double-deck three axle buses
Dennis Trident 12 metre (air-con) 110/113/123 75
Dennis Trident E500 12 metre (air-con) 122/129 5
Dennis Trident Enviro500MMC 12 metre (air-con) 120/129/132 96
Total 186

Vehicle kilometres operated

2014('000) 2015('000) % Change
Hong Kong Island 26,585 26,698 +0.4
Urban Kowloon and N.T. 2,706 2,860 +5.7
Cross Harbour routes 23,627 24,267 +2.7
North Lantau and Hong Kong International Airport 26,698 26,940 +0.9
Total 79,616 80,765 +1.4

Passengers carried

2014('000) 2015('000) % Change
Hong Kong Island 149,441 138,492 -7.3
Urban Kowloon and N.T. 8,080 8,150 +0.9
Cross Harbour 51,779 53,316 +3.0
North Lantau and Hong Kong International Airport 27,049 28,677 +6.0
Total 236,349 228,635 -3.3
Citybus began as a non-franchised bus operator in 1979 and became a franchised bus operator in 1991 to operate bus services on Hong Kong Island (Operations Department 1). Commencing from June 1997, Citybus also operated bus services in North Lantau and Hong Kong International Airport (Operations Department 2).

Previous | Next | Sitemap
Public Transport | Average Daily Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Mode during 2006 - 2015 | Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Operator Group during 2006 - 2015 | Franchised Buses and MTR Passenger Journeys by Region during 2006 - 2015 | The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited | Citybus Limited | New World First Bus Services Limited | New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited | Long Win Bus Company Limited | The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation Rehabus Service | MTR Corporation Limited | Hong Kong Tramways Limited | The "Star" Ferry Company Limited | Cross Boundary Vehicular Traffic 2015 | Arrivals and Departures by Control Point | Passenger of Lok Ma Chau - Huanggang Cross Boundary Shuttle Bus Service | Car Journey Speed in 2015 | 
Section 1 Transport Infrastructure | Section 2 Transport Administration | Section 3 Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers | Section 4 Road Tunnels and Control Areas | Section 5 Public Transport | Section 6 Vehicle Parking | Section 7 Traffic Accidents | Section 8 Concern over Environment | Section 9 Directory of Hong Kong Transport |