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Section 5  Public Transport

Public Transport

Hong Kong has a diverse multi-modal public transport system, comprising a Mass Transit Railway, a tramway, franchised buses, public light buses, taxis, non-franchised buses and ferry services, extending to almost every part of the territory. Rehabus services are also available for persons with mobility difficulties.

Public transport patronage increased by about 0.7% in 2015 when compared with 2014 to 12.6 million passengers per day. There was an increase of railway patronage by 1.7% over last year. The railway system, which carried 5.35 million passengers per day in 2015, is the largest passenger carrying mode. Coming next were the franchised buses, which carried 3.92 million passengers per day in 2015, representing an increase of less than 0.1% against 2014.

Railways, being the most environmentally friendly form of mass transport, will continue to expand in network. It will form the backbone of Hong Kong's transport system with other modes playing a supplementary but still important role to ensure a choice of services by commuters. There were continuing improvements in the quality of franchised buses. By end 2015, all franchised buses were air-conditioned and Euro II or above buses with less emission. To ensure more efficient use of bus resources and to provide passengers with more choices of routes, bus-bus interchange schemes were promoted. In 2015, a total of 26 bus-bus interchange schemes were introduced, bringing the total number of schemes to 360.

The market share of ferry remained at 1.1% in 2015 with an average of 134,000 passengers daily. As at end 2015, there were altogether 14 franchised and licensed ferry operators running 21 regular passenger ferry services, 2 dangerous goods vehicular ferry services and 2 special services at the harbour and to the new towns and outlying islands.

Previous | Next | Sitemap
Public Transport | Average Daily Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Mode during 2006 - 2015 | Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Operator Group during 2006 - 2015 | Franchised Buses and MTR Passenger Journeys by Region during 2006 - 2015 | The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited | Citybus Limited | New World First Bus Services Limited | New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited | Long Win Bus Company Limited | The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation Rehabus Service | MTR Corporation Limited | Hong Kong Tramways Limited | The "Star" Ferry Company Limited | Cross Boundary Vehicular Traffic 2015 | Arrivals and Departures by Control Point | Passenger of Lok Ma Chau - Huanggang Cross Boundary Shuttle Bus Service | Car Journey Speed in 2015 | 
Section 1 Transport Infrastructure | Section 2 Transport Administration | Section 3 Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers | Section 4 Road Tunnels and Control Areas | Section 5 Public Transport | Section 6 Vehicle Parking | Section 7 Traffic Accidents | Section 8 Concern over Environment | Section 9 Directory of Hong Kong Transport |