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Section 5  Public Transport

Long Win Bus Company Limited

Group of Routes Number of routes operated Fares ($) (as at 31.12.2015)
Airbus 6 18.9 – 30.9
North Lantau External 6 10.8 – 14.3
North Lantau Shuttle 2 3.5 – 3.6
Overnight 6 5.2 – 40.0
Recreation 3 7 – 22.3
Total 23

Vehicles (registered as at 31 December 2015)

Configuration / class / (code) Passenger Capacity Number
Rear-engined air-conditioned double-deck three-axle buses
Dennis Trident 12 metre 107/124/127 31
Dennis Trident Enviro500 12 metre 114/118 8
Dennis Trident Enviro500 Euro IV 12 metre 114/118 32
Dennis Trident Enviro500 Euro V 12 metre 118 36
Dennis Trident Enviro500 Turbo Euro V 12 metre 131 47
Dennis Trident Enviro500 Lux Euro V 12 metre 123 26
Volvo B9TL Enviro 500 12 metre 112/116 10
Total 190

Vehicle kilometres operated

2014('000) 2015('000) % Change
Airbus 6,498 6,940 +6.8
North Lantau External 17,328 18,588 +7.3
North Lantau Shuttle 1,309 1,421 +8.6
Overnight 686 773 +12.7
Recreation 306 307 +0.3
Total 26,127 28,029 +7.3

Passengers carried

2014('000) 2015('000) % Change
Airbus 4,815 5,342 +10.9
North Lantau External 22,482 23,542 +4.7
North Lantau Shuttle 6,131 6,254 +2.0
Overnight 848 931 +9.8
Recreation 557 596 +7.0
Total 34,833 36,665 +5.3
Long Win Bus Company Limited commenced operations on 1 June 1997.

Previous | Next | Sitemap
Public Transport | Average Daily Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Mode during 2006 - 2015 | Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Operator Group during 2006 - 2015 | Franchised Buses and MTR Passenger Journeys by Region during 2006 - 2015 | The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited | Citybus Limited | New World First Bus Services Limited | New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited | Long Win Bus Company Limited | The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation Rehabus Service | MTR Corporation Limited | Hong Kong Tramways Limited | The "Star" Ferry Company Limited | Cross Boundary Vehicular Traffic 2015 | Arrivals and Departures by Control Point | Passenger of Lok Ma Chau - Huanggang Cross Boundary Shuttle Bus Service | Car Journey Speed in 2015 | 
Section 1 Transport Infrastructure | Section 2 Transport Administration | Section 3 Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers | Section 4 Road Tunnels and Control Areas | Section 5 Public Transport | Section 6 Vehicle Parking | Section 7 Traffic Accidents | Section 8 Concern over Environment | Section 9 Directory of Hong Kong Transport |