Traffic Notices
Service Adjustment of NWFB Route No. 13 (Central (City Hall) – Kotewall Road)
Members of the public are advised that, with effect from 14 August 2022 (Sunday), the terminus of NWFB Route No. 13 (Central (City Hall) – Kotewall Road) at Central (City Hall) will be relocated to Admiralty (Tamar Street). The details of the changes in routeing and bus stop arrangements are as follows:-
- Routeing
From Admiralty (Tamar Street):
The original departures from Central (City Hall) will be commenced from Tamar Street, and then operate via Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Drive, flyover, and then resume original routeing.
From Kotewall Road:
The departures from Kotewall Road will be diverted via Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Drive, Queensway and Tamar Street after operating via Connaught Road Central and Edinburgh Place.
From Kotewall Road (Special Departures):
The special departures from Kotewall Road will be diverted via Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Drive, Queensway and Tamar Street after operating via Pedder Street and Connaught Road Central. - Bus Stop Arrangements
Cancelled bus stop
New bus stop
1. Central (City Hall) Bus Terminus
1. Admiralty (Tamar Street)
2. Connaught Road Central (City Hall)
- Routeing
The bus company will display notices to inform passengers of the above arrangements.