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Section 3  Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers

Number of Licensed Drivers, Driving Instructor's Licences and Learner's Driving Licences Issued during 2006 - 2015

Year No. of Licensed Drivers
at Year End
No. of Driving Instructor's Licences
at Year End
Learner's Driving Licences
Issued During the Year
2006 1,842,000 1,440 43,000
2007 1,799,000 1,429 44,000
2008 1,757,000 1,352 38,000
2009 1,737,000 1,293 40,000
2010 1,774,000 1,486 43,000
2011 1,853,000 1,453 47,000
2012 1,935,000 1,468 53,000
2013 2,011,000 1,452 60,000
2014 2,082,000 1,451 60,000
2015 2,161,000 1,612 50,000

Previous | Next | Sitemap
Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers | Vehicles Registration during 2006-2015 | Number of registered motorcycles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of registered motor tricycles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of registered private cars as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of registered light goods vehicles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of registered medium goods vehicles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of registered heavy goods vehicles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of motorcycles, motor tricycles, private cars and goods vehicles first registered in 2015 broken down by make | Vehicle Licensing during 2006-2015 | Number of licensed motorcycles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of licensed motor tricycles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of licensed private cars as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of licensed light goods vehicles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of licensed medium goods vehicles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Number of licensed heavy goods vehicles as at end 2015 broken down by make and year of manufacture | Analysis of Driving Licenses as at 31 December 2015 | Number of Licensed Drivers, Driving Instructor's Licences and Learner's Driving Licences Issued during 2006-2015 | Results of Driving Tests Conducted in 2015 | Number of Candidates Waiting for Driving Tests of Private Car and Light Goods Vehicle (Combined Tests) – 2006 - 2015 | Vehicle Examination | Private Car Inspection Return - Year of 2015 (Designated Car Testing Centres) | Vehicle Inspections at Government Vehicle Examination Centres (2015) | Goods Vehicle (Exceeding 1.9 tonnes - 16 tonnes) and Trailer Inspection Return - Year of 2015 (Contract-out Centre) | Light Goods Vehicles Not Exceeding 1.9 Tonnes Inspection Return - Year of 2015 (Designated Car Testing Centres) | 
Section 1 Transport Infrastructure | Section 2 Transport Administration | Section 3 Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers | Section 4 Road Tunnels and Control Areas | Section 5 Public Transport | Section 6 Vehicle Parking | Section 7 Traffic Accidents | Section 8 Concern over Environment | Section 9 Directory of Hong Kong Transport |