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Section 7Traffic Accidents

Major Contributory Factors of Road Traffic Accidents in 2020

Contributory Factor
Driver Contributory Factor No. of Drivers
Driving inattentively 3,285
Lost control of vehicle 2,362
Driving too close to vehicle in front 2,316
Careless lane changing 1,437
Turning right/left negligently 695
Casualty (Driver, Passenger or Pedestrian) Contributory Factor No. of Casualties
Pedestrian inattentiveness 468
Passenger lost balance (apart from stairway) 464
Passenger lost balance on stairway 137
Crossing road heedless of traffic (apart from crossing) 82
Crossing road heedless of traffic (at crossing) 51
Vehicles Contributory Factor No. of Vehicles
Unidentified vehicle (hit-and-run) 117
Mechanical defect 14
Inadequate or no lights 8
Defective or illegal tyre 2
Defective vision 2
Environment Contributory Factor No. of Accidents
Slippery road (not related to weather) 126
Object or animal on road 115
Pedestrian negligence 57
Slippery road (caused by weather) 47
Potholes 19