Cross Boundary Vehicular Traffic 2016

Man Kam To Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2016 100,745 100,901 65,651 59,960 714,999 736,402 881,395 897,263 1,778,658 2,408 2,452 4,860
2016/01 9,233 9,203 5,809 5,177 63,943 65,489 78,985 79,869 158,854 2,548 2,576 5,124
02 6,951 6,918 5,017 4,465 34,968 36,884 46,936 48,267 95,203 1,618 1,664 3,283
03 8,650 8,655 5,532 4,985 57,407 61,732 71,589 75,372 146,961 2,309 2,431 4,741
04 8,369 8,267 5,544 5,009 57,037 62,775 70,950 76,051 147,001 2,365 2,535 4,900
05 8,711 8,750 5,770 5,174 58,330 62,832 72,811 76,756 149,567 2,349 2,476 4,825
06 8,277 8,388 5,499 5,061 60,526 61,897 74,302 75,346 149,648 2,477 2,512 4,988
07 8,484 8,557 5,108 4,521 61,306 61,003 74,898 74,081 148,979 2,416 2,390 4,806
08 8,455 8,514 4,749 4,292 62,887 63,422 76,091 76,228 152,319 2,455 2,459 4,914
09 8,782 8,783 5,652 5,327 63,804 64,213 78,238 78,323 156,561 2,608 2,611 5,219
10 9,281 9,353 5,535 5,216 61,032 59,971 75,848 74,540 150,388 2,447 2,405 4,851
11 7,833 7,827 5,668 5,374 65,961 66,903 79,462 80,104 159,566 2,649 2,670 5,319
12 7,719 7,686 5,768 5,359 67,798 69,281 81,285 82,326 163,611 2,622 2,656 5,278
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Sha Tau Kok Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2016 205,571 207,208 52,977 52,828 121,173 179,014 379,721 439,050 818,771 1,037 1,200 2,237
2016/01 20,864 20,910 4,462 4,423 9,837 13,724 35,163 39,057 74,220 1,134 1,260 2,394
02 17,369 17,627 4,132 4,157 5,129 6,639 26,630 28,423 55,053 918 980 1,898
03 17,940 18,163 4,565 4,570 9,361 12,756 31,866 35,489 67,355 1,028 1,145 2,173
04 18,068 18,138 4,490 4,476 9,928 13,375 32,486 35,989 68,475 1,083 1,200 2,283
05 17,325 17,602 4,468 4,442 10,391 13,865 32,184 35,909 68,093 1,038 1,158 2,197
06 15,976 16,095 4,326 4,313 11,181 15,283 31,483 35,691 67,174 1,049 1,190 2,239
07 16,226 16,274 4,242 4,221 11,356 16,554 31,824 37,049 68,873 1,027 1,195 2,222
08 16,165 16,511 4,172 4,158 11,374 17,455 31,711 38,124 69,835 1,023 1,230 2,253
09 16,456 16,450 4,521 4,483 10,865 17,311 31,842 38,244 70,086 1,061 1,275 2,336
10 15,977 16,163 4,530 4,524 9,509 15,431 30,016 36,118 66,134 968 1,165 2,133
11 16,208 16,375 4,479 4,473 11,529 18,285 32,216 39,133 71,349 1,074 1,304 2,378
12 16,997 16,900 4,590 4,588 10,713 18,336 32,300 39,824 72,124 1,042 1,285 2,327
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Shuttle Bus Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2016 1,794,758 1,767,589 289,412 290,228 117,134 118,395 2,234,192 2,071,826
2016/01 153,602 151,229 25,002 25,155 9,186 9,053 196,451 179,648
02 122,147 121,168 22,802 23,054 7,911 7,646 108,083 100,338
03 147,174 145,103 24,776 24,768 9,619 9,657 195,814 180,268
04 151,633 148,686 24,078 24,801 10,129 9,887 187,308 170,630
05 150,538 148,633 24,602 24,240 9,964 10,397 181,603 168,746
06 149,538 146,772 23,633 23,566 9,145 9,408 188,189 174,826
07 153,919 150,663 24,270 24,491 10,932 10,559 188,902 176,142
08 150,918 149,218 23,759 24,317 10,055 10,167 195,703 179,302
09 150,637 148,260 23,722 24,194 9,306 9,726 200,349 184,999
10 155,224 152,836 23,902 24,005 9,889 9,915 176,071 166,017
11 151,823 149,656 23,836 23,032 10,422 11,396 208,248 197,092
12 157,605 155,365 25,030 24,605 10,576 10,584 207,471 193,818

Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2016 4,435,496 4,248,038 8,683,534 12,119 11,607 23,726
2016/01 384,241 365,085 749,326 12,395 11,777 24,172
02 260,943 252,206 513,149 8,998 8,697 17,695
03 377,383 359,796 737,179 12,174 11,606 23,780
04 373,148 354,004 727,152 12,438 11,800 24,238
05 366,707 352,016 718,723 11,829 11,355 23,185
06 370,505 354,572 725,077 12,350 11,819 24,169
07 378,023 361,855 739,878 12,194 11,673 23,867
08 380,435 363,004 743,439 12,272 11,710 23,982
09 384,014 367,179 751,193 12,800 12,239 25,040
10 365,086 352,773 717,859 11,777 11,380 23,157
11 394,329 381,176 775,505 13,144 12,706 25,850
12 400,682 384,372 785,054 12,925 12,399 25,324
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Shenzhen Bay Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2016 1,457,141 1,483,948 181,493 185,090 413,023 489,882
2016/01 122,976 124,454 15,879 15,689 30,730 41,697
02 101,586 104,090 14,362 13,857 17,909 22,108
03 117,582 120,281 15,612 15,408 35,342 43,343
04 121,282 122,901 14,433 14,903 32,500 38,626
05 120,367 123,284 15,297 15,982 31,144 36,163
06 120,645 123,238 14,987 15,975 31,122 38,189
07 125,776 127,395 15,257 15,840 33,797 41,198
08 126,445 129,544 16,006 16,839 35,494 44,817
09 122,921 124,551 15,489 15,188 37,853 45,442
10 124,406 127,311 14,825 15,239 35,515 40,168
11 123,183 125,918 14,474 14,927 45,909 48,804
12 129,972 130,981 14,872 15,243 45,708 49,327

Shenzhen Bay Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2016 2,051,657 2,158,920 4,210,577 5,606 5,899 11,504
2016/01 169,585 181,840 351,425 5,470 5,866 11,336
02 133,857 140,055 273,912 4,616 4,829 9,445
03 168,536 179,032 347,568 5,437 5,775 11,212
04 168,215 176,430 344,645 5,607 5,881 11,488
05 166,808 175,429 342,237 5,381 5,659 11,040
06 166,754 177,402 344,156 5,558 5,913 11,472
07 174,830 184,433 359,263 5,640 5,949 11,589
08 177,945 191,200 369,145 5,740 6,168 11,908
09 176,263 185,181 361,444 5,875 6,173 12,048
10 174,746 182,718 357,464 5,637 5,894 11,531
11 183,566 189,649 373,215 6,119 6,322 12,441
12 190,552 195,551 386,103 6,147 6,308 12,455
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

All Boundary Control Points Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Shuttle Bus Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2016 3,558,215 3,559,646 589,533 588,106 117,134 118,395 3,483,387 3,477,124
2016/01 306,675 305,796 51,152 50,444 9,186 9,053 300,961 300,558
02 248,053 249,803 46,313 45,533 7,911 7,646 166,089 165,969
03 291,346 292,202 50,485 49,731 9,619 9,657 297,924 298,099
04 299,352 297,992 48,545 49,189 10,129 9,887 286,773 285,406
05 296,941 298,269 50,137 49,838 9,964 10,397 281,468 281,606
06 294,436 294,493 48,445 48,915 9,145 9,408 291,018 290,195
07 304,405 302,889 48,877 49,073 10,932 10,559 295,361 294,897
08 301,983 303,787 48,686 49,606 10,055 10,167 305,458 304,996
09 298,796 298,044 49,384 49,192 9,306 9,726 312,871 311,965
10 304,888 305,663 48,792 48,984 9,889 9,915 282,127 281,587
11 299,047 299,776 48,457 47,806 10,422 11,396 331,647 331,084
12 312,293 310,932 50,260 49,795 10,576 10,584 331,690 330,762

All Boundary Control Points Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2016 7,748,269 7,743,271 15,491,540 21,170 21,156 42,327
2016/01 667,974 665,851 1,333,825 21,548 21,479 43,027
02 468,366 468,951 937,317 16,151 16,171 32,321
03 649,374 649,689 1,299,063 20,948 20,958 41,905
04 644,799 642,474 1,287,273 21,493 21,416 42,909
05 638,510 640,110 1,278,620 20,597 20,649 41,246
06 643,044 643,011 1,286,055 21,435 21,434 42,869
07 659,575 657,418 1,316,993 21,277 21,207 42,484
08 666,182 668,556 1,334,738 21,490 21,566 43,056
09 670,357 668,927 1,339,284 22,345 22,298 44,643
10 645,696 646,149 1,291,845 20,829 20,844 41,672
11 689,573 690,062 1,379,635 22,986 23,002 45,988
12 704,819 702,073 1,406,892 22,736 22,648 45,384
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

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