Transport Advisory Committee Membership (As at 31 December 2009)
Chairman :
Ms Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah, BBS, SC, JP
Members :
Mr Cheung Wai-leung
Mr Robert Chui Chi-yun
Mr Junius Ho Kwan-yiu
Mr James Kwan Yuk-choi, JP
Ms Lilian Law Suk-kwan
Mr Edward Leung
Mr Charles Peter Mok
Dr Ng Cho-nam, BBS
Mr Jimmy Poon Wing-fai
Mrs Tam Cheung Kit-ying, Grace
Ms Iris Tam Siu-ying, JP
Prof Wong Sze-chun
Dr David Wong Yau-kar
Mr Stephen Yip Moon-wah, JP
Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport) or his representative (ex-officio)
Commissioner for Transport (ex-officio)
Commissioner of Police or his representative (ex-officio)