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Home Need-to-Know Safe Cycling Tips

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Safe Cycling Tips

Safe Sign
Before Cycling :
  • Wear a bright coloured and correctly fitted safety helmet that complies with international standards1 such as :
  •                       -    EN1078, EN1080 from European                            Union
                          -    AS/NZS2063 from Australia / New                            Zealand
                          -    ASTM F1447, Snell B-95 and CPSC                            1203 from United States of America
                          -    ANSA Z-90.4 from Singapore
                          -    GB 24429-2009 from Mainland
                          -    JIS T 8134-1982 from Japan

  • Wear bright, light-coloured, fluorescent or reflective and well-fitted clothing, or a reflective belt, particularly at night or in poor light.
  • Wear personal protective equipment for example, pads, gloves.
  • Choose a right type and size of cycle for you.
  • Cycle must be fitted with a warning bell and a rear red reflector.
  • Make sure the brakes are suitably adjusted and in proper working order, and can stop the wheels effectively.
  • Tyres should be in good condition with clearly visible tread pattern and are properly pumped up
  • Moving parts should be oiled sufficiently.
  • Chain should be suitably tight with no sign of damage or rust.
  • Remember to check that the batteries of the lamps have sufficient energy for the whole journey. Carry spare batteries and lamps.
  • The front or side of the cycle should be fitted with white reflectors and the pedals with amber reflectors.
  • Any articles carried should be light and small. They should be placed in the basket or carrier, which is firmly tightened on your cycle.
  • Plan the journey in advance and make use of the cycle tracks as far as possible.
When cycling :
  • Obey traffic rules, including traffic signals, traffic signs and road markings.
  • While riding at night or in poor visibility, a white lamp in the front and a red lamp at the rear must be switched on. Suitably dip your cycle lamp so as not to dazzle other road users.
  • If there is a cycle track along the road, you must use it.
  • Must ride in single file except when overtaking or riding on cycle tracks.
  • Must keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times.
  • Always keep both feet on the pedals.
  • Children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by an adult if cycling on the road.
  • Riding of multi-cycles is restricted to certain designated areas and cycle tracks indicated by the sign as shown on the right. Children under the age of 11 who rides or steers a multi-cycle in such designated places must be accompanied by an adult.multi-cycles sign
  • In general, keep to the left side of the road and move at a steady speed.
  • Look out for potholes, drains, road expansion joints, covers and track, etc.
  • When you are about to make a turn or come to a narrow road, you may ride in the middle of the lane if it is safe to do so and without causing serious disruption to traffic. Look out for following traffic when you move out.
  • If you ride on a long narrow road, try to make a stop at a lay-by or some wider area to allow following vehicles to pass where possible.
  • When crossing the road at pedestrian crossings, get off the cycle and push the cycle.
  • Keep a safe distance from any vehicles in front of you.
  • Watch out for other vehicles, particularly when approaching a junction.
  • Always pay attention to : -
    • signals of other road users;
    • obstacles on roads; and
    • parked vehicles, and be beware of the car doors being opened suddenly.
Braking :
  • Master the control of the front and the rear brakes.
  • In general, apply the rear brake first, then the front brake.
  • Apply the rear brake smoothly and gradually for slowing down.
  • The front brake is more powerful and efficient. However, if you apply it too hard, the cycle will stop more abruptly and the rear wheel may lift off the ground causing you to lose control or even fly over the handlebars, particularly when going downhill at speed.
  • Control your speed by braking appropriately when going downhill or before rounding a bend.
  • Only brake when the front wheel is straight.
Cycle parking︰
  • The rules and advice for the parking of vehicles generally apply to cycles.
  • On a road with street lighting, the cycle should only be parked in a parking place designated for pedal cycles. Moreover, no cycle should be continually parked at the same parking place for more than 24 hours.
  • If you want to have a temporary stop, such as to take a rest, you may leave your cycle on a footpath or verge for a short period , provided that this would not cause:
    • any obstruction to pedestrians;
    • any danger (e.g. by forcing pedestrians to step onto the road); and
    • adverse impact on other road users' sightline.
  • Lock your cycle to prevent it from being taken away.

  • 1 In June 2021, the Consumer Council published the test reports of 23 models of bicycle helmets with different style and design which were claimed to be suitable for adults. The prices of the samples ranged from HK$199 to HK$2,450. One of them is of a foldable design, which makes the helmet size smaller and easier to carry after folding; the other five models are equipped with flashing taillights, which make it easier to be seen by other road users behind when the light is low or in night time. The test revealed that all samples were effective at reducing impact force, however the degree of protection varied greatly. The performance of 3 models were outstanding and obtained higher scores. In addition, the Consumer Council also published the test report of 14 models of bicycle helmets with different designs in November 2020 which were claimed to be suitable for children. The prices of the samples ranged from HK$99 to HK$900. In addition to the reviewing of the shell materials and the cushion protective layer, the multi-directional impact protection design, the effectiveness of the head protection and the structure of the helmet were also reviewed. Although the test revealed that the level of protection of different models varied greatly, it was always better to wear a bicycle helmet than nothing for head protection in the event of an accidental impact. For detailed test results, please refer to the Consumer Council's CHOICE Magazine

    (1) Issue 536 [Bicycle helmets with good average price ](Chinese only) and
    (2) Issue 529 [Crash test of 14 types of children's helmets, and there are also good choices for cheap ones] (Chinese only).

  • Must not carry any passenger.
  • Must not carry animal or things which might obstruct your view or affect your balance / control of your cycle, or get caught in the wheels / chain.
  • Must not enter a tunnel area, a control area or an expressway.
  • Must never be towed or hold on to a vehicle, or tow another cycle or other vehicle.
  • Must not ride on the footpath.
  • Must not ride a cycle in the opposite direction to traffic on road.
  • Do not lead any animal.
  • Do not wear earphones of any audio devices or use mobile phone.
Cycling Rules

See leaflet / road safety bulletins for further details: