A. | Cycle tracks | |
Replacement of steel frangible bollards by plastic collapsible bollards – Steel frangible bollards were commonly installed in cycle track, the purpose of which was to alert cyclists to slow down at pedestrian crossing or near the end of cycle track. To enhance cycling safety on cycle tracks, the Transport Department (TD) and the Highways Department (HyD) have reviewed the design of the frangible bollards and implemented field trails on the use of plastic collapsible bollards in place of existing steel frangible bollards and accompanied with placing distinctive lane markings. As positive feedback have been well received, plastic collapsible bollards have been adopted as standard provision on the existing and new cycle tracks. However, at certain locations (such as termination of cycle tracks and connection between carriageways and cycle tracks), installation of steel frangible bollards are considered useful to cyclists to stop and dismount. Except for the steel frangible bollards at such locations, all other existing steel frangible bollards will be gradually replaced by plastic collapsible bollards. | ![]() |
B. | Cycle parking racks | |
Two-year retrofitting programme - The existing cycle parking racks near railway stations and public transport termini will be replaced by new parking racks based on newly designed guidelines by reducing the rack spacing from 1.0m to 0.8m. when situation warrants. An additional 1,000(approx.) parking spaces will be provided upon completion of the programme. | ![]() |
C. | Double parker bicycle parking | |
To further provide more bicycle parking spaces, Transport Department implemented the trial of "double-deck bicycle parker" near Fanling and Sheung Shui MTR stations in October 2013 and August 2015 respectively for cyclists to use. Since the commencement of the trial, the operation is in general very smooth and the result is promising. As such, in July 2016, the trial scheme was further extended to Nga Wan Road, near the Tai Po MTR station.
Finally, Transport Department adopted the "double-deck bicycle parker" as one of the standard bicycle parking facilities in 2017. Subject to the genuine need and local conditions, we will consider to install the "double-deck bicycle parker" at some other suitable districts. |