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Section 5Public Transport

Cross Boundary Vehicular Traffic 2020

Man Kam To Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2020 5,403 5,559 4,737 4,616 605,033 507,491 615,173 517,666 1,132,839 1,681 1,414 3,095
2020/01 5,403 5,559 4,737 4,616 43,824 39,926 53,964 50,101 104,065 1,741 1,616 3,357
02 - - - - 32,923 29,272 32,923 29,272 62,195 1,135 1,009 2,145
03 - - - - 49,682 47,072 49,682 47,072 96,754 1,603 1,518 3,121
04 - - - - 51,538 44,028 51,538 44,028 95,566 1,718 1,468 3,186
05 - - - - 54,761 47,044 54,761 47,044 101,805 1,766 1,518 3,284
06 - - - - 55,704 47,855 55,704 47,855 103,559 1,857 1,595 3,452
07 - - - - 56,797 47,946 56,797 47,946 104,743 1,832 1,547 3,379
08 - - - - 52,295 43,647 52,295 43,647 95,942 1,687 1,408 3,095
09 - - - - 52,042 41,516 52,042 41,516 93,558 1,735 1,384 3,119
10 - - - - 49,324 39,260 49,324 39,260 88,584 1,591 1,266 2,858
11 - - - - 52,098 39,260 52,098 39,260 91,358 1,737 1,309 3,045
12 - - - - 54,045 40,665 54,045 40,665 94,710 1,743 1,312 3,055
Note: The passenger clearance services at the Man Kam To Boundary Control Point has been temporarily suspended starting from 30 January 2020.
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Sha Tau Kok Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2020 15,793 15,636 3,562 3,575 113,769 173,560 133,124 192,771 325,895 364 527 890
2020/01 15,793 15,636 3,562 3,575 7,068 10,668 26,423 29,879 56,302 852 964 1,816
02 - - - - 4,327 5,567 4,327 5,567 9,894 149 192 341
03 - - - - 8,989 13,202 8,989 13,202 22,191 290 426 716
04 - - - - 10,002 18,625 10,002 18,625 28,627 333 621 954
05 - - - - 10,589 18,542 10,589 18,542 29,131 342 598 940
06 - - - - 10,636 18,061 10,636 18,061 28,697 355 602 957
07 - - - - 12,109 18,645 12,109 18,645 30,754 391 601 992
08 - - - - 11,053 17,225 11,053 17,225 28,278 357 556 912
09 - - - - 10,484 15,203 10,484 15,203 25,687 349 507 856
10 - - - - 9,236 11,907 9,236 11,907 21,143 298 384 682
11 - - - - 9,639 12,823 9,639 12,823 22,462 321 427 749
12 - - - - 9,637 13,092 9,637 13,092 22,729 311 422 733
Note: The passenger clearance services at the Sha Tau Kok Boundary Control Point has been temporarily suspended starting from 30 January 2020.
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Shuttle Bus Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2020 128,256 125,802 19,123 18,968 6,000 6,129 1,547,893 1,600,570
2020/01 122,086 119,808 17,975 17,902 5,705 5,855 109,757 112,493
02 6,170 5,994 1,148 1,066 295 274 70,946 78,292
03 - - - - - - 132,983 137,519
04 - - - - - - 131,633 128,428
05 - - - - - - 130,160 134,180
06 - - - - - - 130,147 137,296
07 - - - - - - 142,045 148,525
08 - - - - - - 139,650 144,169
09 - - - - - - 149,055 152,531
10 - - - - - - 127,127 132,216
11 - - - - - - 141,621 147,124
12 - - - - - - 142,769 147,797

Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2020 1,701,272 1,751,469 3,452,741 4,648 4,785 9,434
2020/01 255,523 256,058 511,581 8,243 8,260 16,503
02 78,559 85,626 164,185 2,709 2,953 5,662
03 132,983 137,519 270,502 4,290 4,436 8,726
04 131,633 128,428 260,061 4,388 4,281 8,669
05 130,160 134,180 264,340 4,199 4,328 8,527
06 130,147 137,296 267,443 4,338 4,577 8,915
07 142,045 148,525 290,570 4,582 4,791 9,373
08 139,650 144,169 283,819 4,505 4,651 9,155
09 149,055 152,531 301,586 4,969 5,084 10,053
10 127,127 132,216 259,343 4,101 4,265 8,366
11 141,621 147,124 288,745 4,721 4,904 9,625
12 142,769 147,797 290,566 4,605 4,768 9,373
Note: The passenger clearance services at the Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point has been temporarily suspended starting from 4 February 2020.
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Shenzhen Bay Port Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2020 150,302 151,210 9,217 7,198 784,650 732,134
2020/01 122,944 123,064 5,237 5,560 47,981 44,529
02 23,094 23,314 1,020 885 33,389 27,975
03 1,500 2,235 610 209 58,033 51,667
04 347 211 262 68 64,623 66,910
05 515 301 221 73 68,790 64,609
06 549 444 346 53 64,585 57,587
07 369 454 303 88 71,024 65,894
08 203 200 332 20 76,051 73,273
09 239 228 331 66 74,463 71,304
10 196 240 262 40 70,897 65,864
11 174 221 186 62 76,287 70,967
12 172 298 107 74 78,527 71,555

Shenzhen Bay Port Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2020 944,169 890,542 1,834,711 2,580 2,433 5,013
2020/01 176,162 173,153 349,315 5,683 5,586 11,268
02 57,503 52,174 109,677 1,983 1,799 3,782
03 60,143 54,111 114,254 1,940 1,746 3,686
04 65,232 67,189 132,421 2,174 2,240 4,414
05 69,526 64,983 134,509 2,243 2,096 4,339
06 65,480 58,084 123,564 2,183 1,936 4,119
07 71,696 66,436 138,132 2,313 2,143 4,456
08 76,586 73,493 150,079 2,471 2,371 4,841
09 75,033 71,598 146,631 2,501 2,387 4,888
10 71,355 66,144 137,499 2,302 2,134 4,435
11 76,647 71,250 147,897 2,555 2,375 4,930
12 78,806 71,927 150,733 2,542 2,320 4,862
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Private Car Coach Shuttle Bus Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2020 63,040 62,824 9,260 9,199 23,035 23,026 55,566 55,428
2020/01 36,276 36,165 6,218 6,178 10,917 10,933 3,307 3,590
02 12,473 12,679 1,634 1,626 3,553 3,545 2,570 2,708
03 12,835 13,288 1,293 1,289 4,770 4,752 4,376 4,242
04 232 81 49 41 341 337 3,937 3,560
05 230 59 47 47 358 342 3,870 3,903
06 232 88 12 11 383 396 4,613 4,617
07 298 227 2 2 468 479 4,664 4,672
08 102 65 - - 404 402 5,061 4,842
09 98 28 - - 437 430 5,603 5,585
10 82 55 2 2 386 374 5,786 5,676
11 92 47 - - 444 457 5,837 5,937
12 90 42 3 3 574 579 5,942 6,096

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port Vehicular Traffic (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2020 150,901 150,477 301,378 412 411 823
2020/01 56,718 56,866 113,584 1,830 1,834 3,664
02 20,230 20,558 40,788 698 709 1,406
03 23,274 23,571 46,845 751 760 1,511
04 4,559 4,019 8,578 152 134 286
05 4,505 4,351 8,856 145 140 286
06 5,240 5,112 10,352 175 170 345
07 5,432 5,380 10,812 175 174 349
08 5,567 5,309 10,876 180 171 351
09 6,138 6,043 12,181 205 201 406
10 6,256 6,107 12,363 202 197 399
11 6,373 6,441 12,814 212 215 427
12 6,609 6,720 13,329 213 217 430
Source: Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority

Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Vehicular Traffic

Year / Month Goods Vehicle and Container Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2020 10,812 44,458 10,812 44,458 55,270 84 347 432
2020/01 - - - - - - - -
02 - - - - - - - -
03 - - - - - - - -
04 - - - - - - - -
05 - - - - - - - -
06 - - - - - - - -
07 - - - - - - - -
08 28 137 28 137 165 5 23 28
09 1,095 6,348 1,095 6,348 7,443 37 212 248
10 1,699 8,982 1,699 8,982 10,681 55 290 345
11 2,904 12,677 2,904 12,677 15,581 97 423 519
12 5,086 16,314 5,086 16,314 21,400 164 526 690
Note: Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point commenced cargo clearance service on 26 August 2020. The calculation of average daily vehicles starts from that day.
Sources: Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department

Vehicular Traffic of All Boundary Control Points

Year / Month Private Car Coach Shuttle Bus Goods Vehicle and Container
Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward Inward Outward
2020 362,794 361,031 45,899 43,556 29,035 29,155 3,117,723 3,113,641
2020/01 302,502 300,232 37,729 37,831 16,622 16,788 211,937 211,206
02 41,737 41,987 3,802 3,577 3,848 3,819 144,155 143,814
03 14,335 15,523 1,903 1,498 4,770 4,752 254,063 253,702
04 579 292 311 109 341 337 261,733 261,551
05 745 360 268 120 358 342 268,170 268,278
06 781 532 358 64 383 396 265,685 265,416
07 667 681 305 90 468 479 286,639 285,682
08 305 265 332 20 404 402 284,138 283,293
09 337 256 331 66 437 430 292,742 292,487
10 278 295 264 42 386 374 264,069 263,905
11 266 268 186 62 444 457 288,386 288,788
12 262 340 110 77 574 579 296,006 295,519

Vehicular Traffic of All Boundary Control Points (Cont'd)

Year / Month Total Vehicles Average Daily Vehicles
Inward Outward Two-way Inward Outward Two-way
2020 3,555,451 3,547,383 7,102,834 9,714 9,692 19,407
2020/01 568,790 566,057 1,134,847 18,348 18,260 36,608
02 193,542 193,197 386,739 6,674 6,662 13,336
03 275,071 275,475 550,546 8,873 8,886 17,760
04 262,964 262,289 525,253 8,765 8,743 17,508
05 269,541 269,100 538,641 8,695 8,681 17,376
06 267,207 266,408 533,615 8,907 8,880 17,787
07 288,079 286,932 575,011 9,293 9,256 18,549
08 285,179 283,980 569,159 9,199 9,161 18,360
09 293,847 293,239 587,086 9,795 9,775 19,570
10 264,997 264,616 529,613 8,548 8,536 17,084
11 289,282 289,575 578,857 9,643 9,653 19,295
12 296,952 296,515 593,467 9,579 9,565 19,144
Notes: (1) The average daily figures of August 2020 for various types of cross-boundary vehicles do not add up to the average daily figures of vehicular traffic of all boundary control points because the average daily figures of August 2020 for Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point only cover the 6 days since its commencement of cargo clearance service on 26 August 2020.
(2) The passenger clearance services at the Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Boundary Control Points have been temporarily suspended starting from 30 January 2020.
(3) The passenger clearance services at the Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point has been temporarily suspended starting from 4 February 2020.
Sources: Immigration Department, Customs and Excise Department and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority