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Section 2Transport Administration

Transport Advisory Committee Membership


Prof. Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, SBS, JP


Mr. Joel Chan Cho-sing
Dr. Cheng Shing-fung, MH, JP
Ms. Ivy Cheung Wing-han
Mr. Hugh Chow
Ir. Dr. Wilton Fok Wai-tung
Mr. Nelson Lam Chi-yuen, JP
Dr. Angela Ng Lai-ping
Ir. Susanna Shen Shuk-ching
Mr. Gary Soo Kwok-leung
Mr. Wilson Tam Wai-shun
Mr. Hugh Tong Chun-wai
Ms. Iris Wan Lai-sze
Ms. Rosana Wong Wai-man
Miss Rabi Yim Chor-pik
Mr. Ricky Yu Wai-yip
Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport) or her representative (ex-officio)
Commissioner for Transport (ex-officio)
Commissioner of Police or his representative (ex-officio)