Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Operator Group during 2008 - 2017 (in thousands)

Year / Month Franchised Buses
KMB Citybus NWFB LWB NLB Sub-total
Franchise 1 Franchise 2 Sub-total
2008 986,487 187,019 22,081 209,100 175,472 28,874 17,191 1,417,124
2009 965,164 186,574 21,490 208,064 171,886 28,160 18,040 1,391,314
2010 946,740 188,529 22,538 211,067 172,121 29,411 19,064 1,378,404
2011 936,364 196,453 23,487 219,940 175,163 30,254 20,899 1,382,620
2012 942,894 202,761 24,668 227,429 179,063 31,260 22,307 1,402,953
2013 952,813 208,841 25,948 234,790 182,045 33,178 23,600 1,426,426
2014 955,237 209,300 27,049 236,349 176,959 34,832 25,235 1,428,611
2015 969,192 199,959 28,677 228,636 169,161 36,664 25,483 1,429,137
2016 990,069 197,661 29,239 226,900 167,817 37,285 26,330 1,448,401
2017 1,005,546 180,619 30,863 211,482 163,293 39,095 28,367 1,447,783
2017/01 84,879 15,464 2,489 17,954 13,895 3,189 2,467 122,383
02 76,745 13,889 2,253 16,142 12,518 2,912 2,229 110,546
03 86,068 15,614 2,531 18,145 14,052 3,242 2,427 123,934
04 80,910 14,483 2,587 17,070 13,306 3,261 2,451 116,998
05 85,292 15,278 2,606 17,885 13,872 3,287 2,484 122,819
06 82,071 14,604 2,535 17,139 13,157 3,241 2,195 117,804
07 83,772 14,947 2,664 17,611 13,567 3,354 2,286 120,591
08 81,606 14,627 2,659 17,286 13,246 3,351 2,203 117,693
09 85,789 15,329 2,537 17,867 13,699 3,243 2,244 122,841
10 85,235 15,374 2,605 17,979 13,934 3,312 2,465 122,924
11 86,238 15,455 2,650 18,104 13,972 3,299 2,394 124,007
12 86,942 15,555 2,746 18,300 14,074 3,404 2,521 125,241

(in thousands) (cont'd)
Year / Month Railways Public Light Buses
MTRĀ (1) Hong Kong Tranways Sub-total GMB RMB
MTR LinesĀ (2) AEL East Rail
West Rail Light Rail
2008 1,302,069 10,601 - - 137,730 82,347 1,532,747 526,807 145,661 672,469
2009 1,315,732 9,869 - - 143,489 84,383 1,553,473 533,998 142,389 676,387
2010 1,401,912 11,145 - - 154,522 82,783 1,650,362 549,559 137,025 686,584
2011 1,474,255 11,799 - - 161,289 78,960 1,726,303 559,026 132,639 691,665
2012 1,544,776 12,695 - - 167,210 74,053 1,798,733 558,800 129,326 688,126
2013 1,590,332 13,665 - - 171,652 72,282 1,847,931 552,005 128,399 680,404
2014 1,665,153 14,881 - - 174,199 66,251 1,920,484 551,450 127,399 678,849
2015 1,695,778 15,725 - - 176,149 64,854 1,952,505 558,175 120,827 679,001
2016 1,703,536 16,133 - - 178,709 64,758 1,963,136 559,013 112,459 671,472
2017 1,754,145 16,621 - - 178,502 62,806 2,012,075 556,712 # 107,780 664,492 #
2017/01 148,931 1,345 - - 15,012 5,689 170,976 46,499 # 8,916 55,415 #
02 134,215 1,194 - - 13,499 5,005 153,913 42,622 # 8,552 51,174 #
03 150,430 1,368 - - 15,143 5,554 172,495 47,461 # 9,400 56,861 #
04 137,370 1,454 - - 14,032 5,210 158,066 45,220 # 8,426 53,647 #
05 142,881 1,322 - - 15,015 5,495 164,713 47,231 # 9,047 56,278 #
06 141,119 1,323 - - 14,829 4,909 162,180 45,958 # 9,085 55,043 #
07 147,154 1,317 - - 14,967 4,997 168,436 46,703 # 9,155 55,858 #
08 144,451 1,409 - - 14,431 4,765 165,056 45,985 # 9,387 55,372 #
09 148,733 1,409 - - 15,583 5,040 170,765 47,472 # 9,038 56,510 #
10 151,430 1,563 - - 15,652 5,292 173,936 47,478 # 8,831 56,309 #
11 152,251 1,403 - - 15,210 5,220 174,085 46,803 # 9,000 55,804 #
12 155,181 1,513 - - 15,128 5,630 177,453 47,280 # 8,942 56,222 #

(in thousands) (cont'd)
Year / Month Ferries (5) Taxis Residents' Services
MTR Buses
(for West Rail Line/Light Rail)
Average Daily
First Ferry
"Star" Ferry Other
2008 13,729 25,212 14,894 53,835 391,748 70,321 34,736 4,172,979 11,402
2009 12,250 23,804 15,150 51,204 348,308 77,923 37,517 4,136,127 11,332
2010 12,702 23,013 13,749 49,464 358,250 81,017 40,881 4,244,962 11,630
2011 13,228 22,283 13,986 49,497 363,711 85,159 43,956 4,342,912 11,898
2012 13,650 21,669 14,065 49,383 349,950 85,597 46,024 4,420,767 12,079
2013 14,390 21,650 13,468 49,508 368,832 86,999 47,738 4,507,838 12,350
2014 14,706 21,045 13,661 49,412 355,001 86,667 50,404 4,569,429 12,519
2015 14,886 20,179 13,850 48,915 352,720 86,389 50,537 4,599,204 12,601
2016 14,431 19,531 13,912 47,874 341,522 85,669 50,413 4,608,487 12,591
2017 13,934 19,290 13,574 46,798 327,480 # 84,889 # 50,744 4,634,262 # 12,697 #
2017/01 1,212 1,811 1,211 4,234 28,600 7,085 # 4,258 392,952 # 12,676 #
02 1,098 1,565 1,076 3,739 25,487 6,549 # 3,862 355,271 # 12,688 #
03 1,156 1,554 1,152 3,862 28,365 7,303 # 4,371 397,191 # 12,813 #
04 1,358 1,658 1,250 4,266 26,652 6,910 # 3,988 370,527 # 12,351 #
05 1,216 1,528 1,187 3,931 26,853 7,204 # 4,279 386,077 # 12,454 #
06 998 1,325 1,023 3,346 26,639 6,983 # 4,170 376,165 # 12,539 #
07 1,126 1,668 1,018 3,811 27,673 7,053 # 4,129 387,550 # 12,502 #
08 1,156 1,612 1,057 3,825 27,551 7,175 # 4,022 380,695 # 12,280 #
09 1,019 1,271 1,031 3,322 27,467 7,061 # 4,422 392,388 # 13,080 #
10 1,210 1,662 1,192 4,064 27,471 7,273 # 4,400 396,378 # 12,786 #
11 1,171 1,583 1,176 3,930 27,115 # 7,120 # 4,430 396,490 # 13,216 #
12 1,214 2,053 1,201 4,467 27,607 # 7,174 # 4,415 402,579 # 12,986 #

Notes:  (1) The operations of the MTR and KCRC were merged on 2 December 2007. Afterwards, the counting of passenger journey for passengers making railway interchanges at Kowloon Tong, Mei Foo, Nam Cheong, Tsim Sha Tsui and East Tsim Sha Tsui stations was different. Hence, the figures after the merger are not strictly comparable with those of earlier figures.
(2) From 2 December 2007, the East Rail and West Rail of the former KCRC have been merged under MTR. Since then, MTR Lines include Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan, Island, Tung Chung, Disneyland Resort, Tseung Kwan O, East Rail, West Rail, Ma On Shan and South Island Lines, and Intercity. MTR Tseung Kwan O Line LOHAS Park Station was opened on 26 July 2009 while West Rail Line Austin Station was opened on 16 August 2009. MTR Island Line extended to HKU Station and Kennedy Town Station on 28 December 2014 while Sai Ying Pun Station was opened on 29 March 2015. MTR Kwun Tong Line extended to Ho Man Tin Station and Whampoa Station on 23 October 2016. South Island Line was opened on 28 December 2016.
(3) Lok Ma Chau Spur Line was introduced on 15 August 2007.
(4) Figures for 2015 and onwards are revised to take into account the results of the Comprehensive Surveys on Red Minibus Services conducted in 2015. Due to limitation of data, the figures cannot fully reflect the fluctuations in RMB patronage over the months.
(5) Ferries include franchised and licensed services but exclude Kaitos.
(6) Residents' services are services provided by or on behalf of the management, residents or owners of any residential development for the carriage of passengers to or from the residential development. Residents' services are a type of non-franchised public bus services. Non-franchised public buses also provide tour service, hotel service, student service, employees' service, international passenger service and contract hire service. But since relevant data are not available, the patronage figures for these services cannot be provided.
(7) Peak tramway is basically a tourist and recreational facility and its patronage is not included in the public transport statistics starting from the reference month of January 2014. The public transport statistics from 1989 to 2013 are revised accordingly in March 2014.
Some services of franchised buses, Hong Kong Tramways, public light buses, taxis and residents' services were suspended or diverted due to closure of some main roads in urban areas from 28 September to 15 December 2014. The Hong Kong Tramways figures exclude passengers who were provided with Free Tram Transfers and passengers using the free-of-charge circular route between Victoria Park and Paterson Street due to blockade of the tram tracks.
There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total owing to rounding.
# Provisional figures.

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