Registration and Licensing of Vehicles and Drivers

This Section provides statistics on the number of vehicles registered and licensed, drivers and learner drivers, as well as driving tests in Hong Kong.

As at end of 2017, the number of registered motorised and non-motorised vehicles was 855,825, representing an increase of about 2.63% compared to that of 2016 and a growth of 30.67% over the past 10 years since 2008. The number of licensed motorised and non-motorised vehicles reached 779,541 by end 2017, representing an increase of 2.67% in comparison with 2016.

As regards driving licences, there were about 2,264,000 full driving licence holders, representing a growth of 1.57% and 25.85% compared to the numbers in 2016 and 2007 respectively.

In view of the increasing demand for licensing services by the public, a number of measures have been introduced to enable the public to apply for licensing services more conveniently through various channels, and to promote the use of these channels. Currently, apart from using the counter services at the licensing offices in person, members of the public can also obtain most of the licensing services by post, using the drop-in box at the licensing offices or designated post offices in various districts, or through an agent. Besides, applications for renewal of vehicle and driving licences, certificate of particulars of motor vehicle, applications for personalized vehicle registration mark and traditional vehicle registration mark for allocation through auction, notification of address change, and booking for driving test, etc. can be made online through GovHK.

Enquiry Hotline : 2804 2600

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