Section 5   Public Transport

Hongkong Tramways Limited

Routes Operated

Shau Kei Wan to Happy Valley
North Point to Whitty Street
Happy Valley to Kennedy Town
Shau Kei Wan to Western Market
Causeway Bay to Kennedy Town
Western Market to Kennedy Town

Fares (as at 31 December 2004)





Senior Citizens Concessionary Fare





% Change

Vehicle kilometres operated




Passengers carried




Track gauge :

1067 mm

Electrification :

500V d.c. overhead trolley wire

Rolling Stock (as at 31 December 2004)


Passenger Capacity(2)


(a) Double-deck enclosed tram, 1987 series

45 + 70 = 115


(b) Double-deck enclosed tram, 1949 style

45 + 70 = 115


(c) Double-deck open balcony tram



(d) Double-deck semi-open-top tram



(e) Double-deck maintenance tram





Notes :


All trams were assembled by Hongkong Tramways Ltd. except cars No. 28 (type c) and No. 128 (type d) which were originally built by Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Ltd. in 1954/55 and rebuilt by Hongkong Tramways for charter and tourist duties in 1986/87. Cars in group (a) comprise Nos. 1-27, 29-43, 45-119, 121-127, 129-143, 145-163, 165 and 166. They were built from 1987 to 1991 with underframes by W.J. Brown Engineering Ltd. and bodies by Full Arts Metal Works Ltd. (109 cars) and Leeway Engineering and Trading Co. Ltd. (51 cars). Leeway also supplied the body for car No. 120 (type b) which was built new in 1991 to the design of the previous generation of trams dating from 1949: car No. 120 is a "heritage" tram, but is used in normal traffic. The maintenance tram was built by Hongkong Tramways in 1998.

All trams use the original or locally manufactured trucks and electro-mechanical equipment. Trucks were built variously by Peckham, Maley and Taunton, Hongkong Tramways and Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering. Motors are by Dick Kerr, Metropolitan Vickers and English Electric.

During 2001, all trams (except two antique trams and one heritage tram) had rotary controllers replaced by electronic speed controllers or DC chopper control system incorporating Deadmans handles and were completely rewired with LSF cabling and fitted with traction grade convertors. A total of 3 conventional trams have been converted into metal body trams to serve passengers. Octopus payment has also been introduced on all passenger trams.


Passenger capacities are nominal. Capacities for car types (a) and (b) are listed in the gazetted schedules as 115. Capacities quoted for car types (c) and (d) are guidelines only.

Hongkong Tramways Limited is wholly owned by The Wharf (Holdings) Ltd. The tramway began operations in 1904. The system operates under the authority of the Tramway Ordinance, Cap. 107.