The Transport Department (TD) will hold the Commute with 'Ease' Roving Exhibition from tomorrow (December 7) until February 2020 to introduce the TD's forthcoming initiatives to facilitate the public's mobility. The first one will be held at Exhibition Hall 1E, Hong Kong Science Park from December 7 to 13. Members of the public are invited to visit. Photo shows an Automated Parking System model of the Puzzle Stacking System.

The Transport Department (TD) will hold the Commute with "Ease" Roving Exhibition from tomorrow (December 7) until February 2020 to introduce the TD's forthcoming initiatives to facilitate the public's mobility. The first one will be held at Exhibition Hall 1E, Hong Kong Science Park from December 7 to 13. Members of the public are invited to visit. Photo shows an Automated Parking System model of the Puzzle Stacking System.