Brief description of NFB services (A01-A08)

A01 Tour Service
A02 Hotel Service
A03 Student Service
A04 Employees' Service
A05 International Passenger Service
A06 Residents' Service
A07 Multiple Transport Service
A08 Contract Hire Service


Brief description of NFPB services (B01 – B04)

B01 Student Service
B02 Employees' Service
B03 Disabled Persons' Service
B04 Other Service


A01 Tour Service

In accordance with Section 4 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (PBSO), Cap. 230, a tour service is a service-

(a) for the carriage of passengers at separate fares;
(b) entitling the passengers to travel together on a journey, with or without breaks, from the place or places at which they are taken up (being the same place or 2 or more places in the same vicinity) to one or more other places and back to the place or places at which they were taken up;
(c) in which all the passengers are carried for the greater part of the journey; and
(d) in which no passenger is a person who frequently, or as a matter of routine, travels, at or about the time of day at which the journey is made, to or to the vicinity of a place from or through which the journey is made.


A02 Hotel Service

In accordance with Section 4 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (PBSO), Cap. 230, a hotel service is a service for the carriage of passengers residing at an hotel where every passenger is taken up or set down at the hotel.


A03 Student Service

In accordance with Section 4 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (PBSO), Cap. 230, a student service is a service for the carriage to or from a school, university or other educational establishment of students thereof, persons accompanying or in charge of such students or who teach at the school, university or other educational establishment.


A04 Employees' Service

In accordance with Section 4 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (PBSO), Cap. 230, an employees' service is a service provided by an employer for the carriage to or from their place of work of passengers who are persons employed by him.


A05 International Passenger Service

In accordance with Section 4 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (PBSO), Cap. 230, an international passenger service is a service for the carriage of passengers in either direction between any one or more of the following places, that is to say, the Hong Kong International Airport, Hung Hom Railway Station, Macau Ferry Pier or any other pier, any Hong Kong border crossing, any hotel, airline office or ferry or similar terminal, where the passengers on the service consist only of-

(i) persons arriving in or intending to leave Hong Kong by aircraft, railway, ferry vessel, ship or motor vehicle;
(ii) persons meeting or accompanying the persons referred to in sub-paragraph (i); or
(iii) persons employed by an airline or the agent of an airline, or by any travel, shipping or railway agent.


A06 Residents' Service

In accordance with Section 4 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (PBSO), Cap. 230, a residents' service is a service approved by the Commissioner for Transport, after considering the interests of any grantee franchised to operate over any part of the route to be covered by the service and any other relevant matter, and provided by or on behalf of the management, residents or owners of any residential development for the carriage of passengers to or from the residential development


A07 Multiple Transport Service

In accordance with Section 4 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (PBSO), Cap. 230, a multiple transport service is a service (other than a service provided mainly for the carriage of passengers to or from a residential development) in which no passenger is a person who frequently or as a matter of routine travels, at or about the time of day at which the journey is to be made, to or to the vicinity of a place from or through which the journey is made, approved by the Commissioner for Transport, after considering the interests of any grantee franchised to operate over any part of the route to be covered by the service and any other relevant matter, for the carriage of passengers by a public bus service in combination with carriage by another mode or modes of public transport service from one departure point to one destination and where a combined fare is paid for the whole journey, single or return, at a place other than at the boarding point of the bus or on the bus.


A08 Contract Hire Service

Contract Hire Service is approved by the Commissioner for Transport in accordance with Section 27(4) of Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374), which stipulates that a public bus service means a service which is of any type approved by the Commissioner for Transport for the carriage of passengers.

According to the existing Passenger Service Licence Conditions, the operation of any Contract Hire Service with the same origin and destination areas, for more than 2 days either intermittently or consecutively in a period of 30 days, shall be subject to the prior approval of the Commissioner for Transport in writing.


In accordance with Section 27(5), Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374), a private bus service means

B01 Student Service

a service for the carriage to or from an educational institution of students thereof and persons accompanying or in charge of such students or who teach at the educational institution, in private buses registered in the name of the educational institution.


B02 Employees' Service

a service provided by an employer for the carriage of his employees to or from their place of work, in private buses registered in the name of the employer.


B03 Disabled Persons' Service

a service provided exclusively for the carriage of disabled persons and of persons employed to assist them.


B04 Other Service

a service which is not for hire or reward and approved by the Commissioner.